I just love the one sided polls.


Staff Member
NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
Remember when the exit polls had Kerry kicking Bush's ass in the election? The Major Liberal networks cherry picked the polls that they knew would show Kerry in the lead in hopes to keep Repub's in the house in a losing effort.

This one is no different. They want to spam the air ways that Bush's plan will put millions of old people on the street and the current system will be just fine.


Me? Hell I love paying in 5K per year for SS, while my employer pays in another 5K for me, knowing I wont see a dime when I hit 65. I love Socialism!!!!
For awhile I couldn't figure why anyone would be upset over a volunteer program such as this. Then I figured it out. All these f***ers are scared that the smart people would take control of their own money instead of giving it to the gov to pay their sorry asses.
TonyD said:
For awhile I couldn't figure why anyone would be upset over a volunteer program such as this. Then I figured it out. All these f***ers are scared that the smart people would take control of their own money instead of giving it to the gov to pay their sorry asses.

You summed it up pretty well. People that don't contribute to society are afraid to loose the .gov handouts.
derek said:
TonyD said:
For awhile I couldn't figure why anyone would be upset over a volunteer program such as this. Then I figured it out. All these f***ers are scared that the smart people would take control of their own money instead of giving it to the gov to pay their sorry asses.

You summed it up pretty well. People that don't contribute to society are afraid to loose the .gov handouts.

That's it in a nutshell, as they say.
I really wish the government would just stay the hell out of my life - fix the roads and bridges, take care of the borders and run the court system, like they agreed to do 229 years ago. Who said they hated socialism?? I forget now... How about National Health Care? <insert shiver here> My mom's family is from Canada. I have a cousin in St. John, New Brunswick - he's in the hospital there with a malignant tumor that's strangling his vocal cords and voice box - it's wrapped right around it. They have to laser it out before they can start radiation. He's been waiting for 10 DAYS for surgery and he can't friggin breath!!! THAT'S what the liberals want in this country....God help us. They can kiss my butt. Worry not tho - I'm sure MA will be first to do something really stupid like that - after all, we were the first ones to legitimize homosexual marriage. [roll]
TonyD said:
For awhile I couldn't figure why anyone would be upset over a volunteer program such as this. Then I figured it out. All these f***ers are scared that the smart people would take control of their own money instead of giving it to the gov to pay their sorry asses.

Heck, it's even scarier than that. Why if people start discovering that they can take care of their finances better than the government can, then some of the cleverer sheep might conclude that they might be able to do a better job of deciding whether or not to patronize bars that let people smoke, controling their health care costs or educating their kids. Before you know it, they might even want to buy unsafe guns and even carry them for their own protection. The next thing you know, a lot of people might find themselves having to compete for jobs in the dreaded private sector. (You know the kind I mean: the ones where the expect you to show up, on time even, and sometimes do actual productive work.)

KMaurer said:
Heck, it's even scarier than that. Why if people start discovering that they can take care of their finances better than the government can, then some of the cleverer sheep might conclude that they might be able to do a better job of deciding whether or not to patronize bars that let people smoke, controling their health care costs or educating their kids. Before you know it, they might even want to buy unsafe guns and even carry them for their own protection. The next thing you know, a lot of people might find themselves having to compete for jobs in the dreaded private sector. (You know the kind I mean: the ones where the expect you to show up, on time even, and sometimes do actual productive work.)


Ken....<shake> Ken...wake up hun....you're having that dream again.
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