I have been bitten with the AR bug!!!

Dec 1, 2005
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A few weeks ago I ran several hundred rounds through an sks. It was a disappointing jam-o-matic. Last night I rented an AR-15 from AFS. What a nice firearm. This weapon is definitely on my next to get list. What is the best AR I can get in Mass? What is the difference in functionality between the cheapest and the most expensive? My primary concern is that the rifle goes bang every time I pull the trigger.
massnee said:
A few weeks ago I ran several hundred rounds through an sks. It was a disappointing jam-o-matic. Last night I rented an AR-15 from AFS. What a nice firearm. This weapon is definitely on my next to get list. What is the best AR I can get in Mass? What is the difference in functionality between the cheapest and the most expensive? My primary concern is that the rifle goes bang every time I pull the trigger.

You must have been using a clunker SKS. There are an exeptionally good running rifle in my experience.
about the sks

I understand that the SKS I used was probably just a lemon. My biggest issue with it was the recoil. The 7.62 just seemed to be to much for me to use for rapid fire shooting.
massnee said:
... My biggest issue with it was the recoil. The 7.62 just seemed to be to much for me to use for rapid fire shooting.
You got to put a couple boxes of ammo through a .375 H&H or .458 Win. After that, ordinary rifle recoil is a non-event.[smile]
Dirtypacman said:
I love my Bushmaster

I'll second that.

The only failure I've had with my Bushmaster DCM or Carbine was ammo related in the DCM. The same ammo jammed someone elses match rifle the same day.

massnee said:
I understand that the SKS I used was probably just a lemon. My biggest issue with it was the recoil. The 7.62 just seemed to be to much for me to use for rapid fire shooting.

You need to practice shooting REAL rifles if that's too much for you. Try a Mosin Nagant in 7.62x54 or a .30-06 out of a 1903 Springfield. An M1 Garand is no slouch either... and it goes rapid fire real easy.

You gotta buck up boy, and take it like a man ![wink] [smile]
I fully understand that my admission of not liking the recoil of the SKS has made me worthy of girly-man accolades. [smile]
jhrosier said:
You got to put a couple boxes of ammo through a .375 H&H or .458 Win. After that, ordinary rifle recoil is a non-event.[smile]

Even a .350 Remington Magnum in their little 600 carbine is a wake-up experience!!! [grin]
SKS's can have jamming problems, but it's usually just a quick fix, cleaning or replacement of the gas valve. The gas valve also might not be completely turned off and the bolt isn't cycling fully.

There's no shortage of AR manufacturers out there. Smith and Wesson recently jumped on the bandwagon, but they haven't come out with a post-ban version
for us lowly MA gun owners yet (from what I understand, they're over priced anyways).

You can't go wrong with a Bushmaster or Rock River Arms. Personally speaking, I favor RRA over Bushmaster... the fit and finish is noticeably better.

Another consideration, Bushmaster was recently bought by some British owned company. It's hard to say what that will mean in the future as far as quality and/or customer support will be like.
I have decided to get a Bushmaster M4 a3 with a 16" barrel, removable handle. Apparently Rock River Arms will not ship to Mass. Where is the best place to purchase this? The best price I have found is $899.00.
What do you plan on doing with it?
An M4 is fine if you wanna plink or clear out a room in a hurry. (or 3 gun competition)
If you have any thoughts of trying your hand at anything further than 100 yds, matchwise, you might be wise to start off w/ an A2 configuration and work out from that point. I've seen a few who've gone out and bought M4s and had a difficult time at 200 yds........Don't know if it was too light or the short sight radius made it hard.
What's the difference in price between an M4 and a regular A2 SR? Have you checked?
Just trying to stir the old brain cells before you go out and spend the money!
Cledus J. Crabb said:
What do you plan on doing with it?
An M4 is fine if you wanna plink or clear out a room in a hurry. (or 3 gun competition)
If you have any thoughts of trying your hand at anything further than 100 yds, matchwise, you might be wise to start off w/ an A2 configuration and work out from that point. I've seen a few who've gone out and bought M4s and had a difficult time at 200 yds........Don't know if it was too light or the short sight radius made it hard.
What's the difference in price between an M4 and a regular A2 SR? Have you checked?
Just trying to stir the old brain cells before you go out and spend the money!

Thanks for the help. My plan is to use the AR for tactical training. I would like to place a red dot on the top rail and take advantage of the short barrel for tactical use.
Cledus J. Crabb said:
What do you plan on doing with it?

I agree. Figure out what you want to do with it; then decide on a purchase. If it's collecting, then a colt may fetch more in the long run. If your interest is shooting it, figure out what venue you are interested in first before a purchase.

massnee said:
Thanks for the help. My plan is to use the AR for tactical training. I would like to place a red dot on the top rail and take advantage of the short barrel for tactical use.

Pat Rodgers claims the Colts stand up better in his carbine classes. I beleive him; however any rifle should be put to the test to prove it functions. Colts malfunction as well.

LoginName said:
When did that policy go into effect?

As an alternative, contact this person (Pete in New Hampshire).


He'll even build one to your specs and will ship it to an FFL in MA.


I've heard nothing but rave reviews about Pete and his company on various forums.

If anyone here knows Pete personally (or does business with him), would you PLEASE invite him to join us here on NES?

He's not too far away for most of us to make a "road trip" to get a good deal on a great gun (and no sales tax too)!
I spoke with pete

I gave Pete a call (told him I heard about him on the forum). Here is what he can do for me:

Rock River Arms (mass compliant, maybe elite tactical or something like that).

- Chrome lined 16" barrel.

- Top rail.

price: $924 (no tax)

- add $104 for quad rail.

- add $35 for some kind of stock that he thought would look "tactical" (all that matters is the looks anyway[smile] ).

Do you think this would be a better deal than 943.95 (best deal tax included on a Bushmaster M4 A3)?
massnee said:
Do you think this would be a better deal than 943.95 (best deal tax included on a Bushmaster M4 A3)?

Forum wars have been waged... friendships destroyed... families lost over that burning question: Bushmaster or RRA?

Both are fine firearms, but having owned both, I still have my RRA's in several different flavors. I sold the Bushmaster ages ago.

Most of my RRA's are homebuilds. For one of them, I ordered the complete upper from Pete that he had put together himself and he did an excellent job on it.

The black phosphate finish on RRAs is top notch and the fit between upper and lower is really nice and snug.

I don't know what the "tactical" looking stock could be, but at $35.00 it's probably the Tactical Entry Stock (although, looking at his website, it's listed at $55.00). It has a much shorter length of pull than a full size A-2 stock (which you might find being difficult becoming adjusted to). It's a tactical stock because it's shorter length is meant for SWAT types wearing thick/heavy body armor. You might want to check on that (the stock that is).

As far as cost savings... a decent AR isn't that inexpensive anymore. If it was a Colt, you'd probably be spending at least $150.00 or more just to have a "dancing pony" rather than a "rattle snake" stamped on the receiver.

Whatever you buy, look forward to spending some previously earmarked food and clothing money on other goodies such as accessories, magazines, add-ons and ammo. [wink]

Again, it's really a matter of preference, but I'll stick with my RRAs.

With that, I'll just take my leave before the Bushmaster and Colt apologists show up. [devil]
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