massnee said:
Do you think this would be a better deal than 943.95 (best deal tax included on a Bushmaster M4 A3)?
Forum wars have been waged... friendships destroyed... families lost over that burning question: Bushmaster or RRA?
Both are fine firearms, but having owned both, I still have my RRA's in several different flavors. I sold the Bushmaster ages ago.
Most of my RRA's are homebuilds. For one of them, I ordered the complete upper from Pete that he had put together himself and he did an excellent job on it.
The black phosphate finish on RRAs is top notch and the fit between upper and lower is really nice and snug.
I don't know what the "tactical" looking stock could be, but at $35.00 it's probably the Tactical Entry Stock (although, looking at his website, it's listed at $55.00). It has a much shorter length of pull than a full size A-2 stock (which you might find being difficult becoming adjusted to). It's a tactical stock because it's shorter length is meant for SWAT types wearing thick/heavy body armor. You might want to check on that (the stock that is).
As far as cost savings... a decent AR isn't that inexpensive anymore. If it was a Colt, you'd probably be spending at least $150.00 or more just to have a "dancing pony" rather than a "rattle snake" stamped on the receiver.
Whatever you buy, look forward to spending some previously earmarked food and clothing money on other goodies such as accessories, magazines, add-ons and ammo.
Again, it's really a matter of preference, but I'll stick with my RRAs.
With that, I'll just take my leave before the Bushmaster and Colt apologists show up.
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