I got to touch it...

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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Ok, so I was at the Deutsch Bank Championship over the weekend. They had the Red Sox trophy there. I was able to walk up and touch it, as well as get a picture with it. It was a polaroid, so I'll have to scan it if anyone really wants to see it. But I was pretty excited.

Oh, and I got to watch some golf as well.
I was wondering about tickets to the tourney. I've always wanted to go to once. I caddied in a couple of pro-ams at Torrey Pines in San Diego, but I never got to enjoy watching all of the golfers.
You know, I've never paid to go to one...

I've always gotten free tickets to them from someone to everyone that I've attended. It's a lot of fun. They guys will make jokes, tease each other. They tip thier hats, talk to the people near the ropes.

Some are ass holes. But most will say hi or wave. It's pretty cool.
We had the Palmer Pavilion Michelob ULTRA 19th Hole tickets, so I guess that they were 220 bucks.

The Palmer Pavilion wasn't that big of a deal. Other than they had tables, air conditioning, nice bathrooms. Which was really a trailer of bathrooms...But they were really nice. And the food and drinks were the same as every where else.
One WS Trophy pic coming up

Here ya go C-pher.

KingCobra58 said:
Sorry, I will check them out.

At last, see previous post.

KC, no dice.

Now we all get pop-ups to "login" to Comcast! It's asking for your UserID and Password!

I guess you'll need to try again. Does Comcast allow you to send out a "public" URL to access pictures you designate as "public"?

If that fails, create a free account on http://www.hunt101.com/ and post your pictures there, use the link they give you to allow access to any particular picture.
Sorry guys, I went back to check on how I posted a pic before from comcast and did all the same things, something must've changed along the way.

I'll use the site that Len suggested.

I'll get this right sooner or later. [cry] [oops]
That's sweet. I've been talking to Steve Conley, well I was talking to him last year before the win about working on thier IT department. But then I haven't been able to talk to him in a long time.

That's my dream job. To work for Steve in IT for the Sox.
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