How's yer Ear Protection working

not bad considering ive worked in machine shops my whole life.
im sure my hearing was much much better once upon a time.

i opened up the higher ones in goldwave just to make sure there was substance and it wasnt a prank. you can see the waveform and amplitiude..
Uh... boys? When are you getting your hearing aids?

I could hear up to 21.1Khz (didn't hear the 22.4 AT ALL), and I know for a fact that I have "noise-related hearing damage" - got my hearing tested about 9 months ago. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), it's not severe enough for hearing aids, so I just have to keep asking "Whadja say?" and turn the TV up about 3 notches above where my wife likes it. [sad]

EDIT: OK, I just tried this playing the sounds by clicking on "download" and I cannot hear above 15.8Khz - what I was hearing was that crappy Winamp making noise on the speakers. That makes more sense... unfortunately.
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16.7, but its more like sensing pressure in my ears than hearing it. almost hurts. any higher and I have to put my ear right next to the speaker.
MrTwigg said:
Either that or your deaf !

No really, it won't even let me download the files...See:

My hearing is fantastic. Not only did I hear them all (well, the 22.4 had no data, so I didn't hear that one) but I find those mosquito repel devices annoying as hell.

Try This Link and see if you can hear the ultra-high segment of the soundtrack above the noise. I find the signal so irritating that I can't listen for long. My wife just hears the background noise. Put the MP3 on a visual display that shows the amplitude of the various frequencys and you'll see that there is this HUGE spike in the high end. That's what I'm hearing mostly and what few others do.

On the flip side, I have a hard time hearing conversations when in a very noisy environment. Too much overlap of sound completely drowns out a person next to me. Annoying as hell to constantly go 'WHAT?' not because I didn't hear it, but could not filter out the background sounds enough.
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17.7 no problem. I thought I could hear something at 21, but I could not hear the one between 17 and 21 so I guess I'm just hearing noise from the speakers?
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Chris said:
On the flip side, I have a hard time hearing conversations when in a very noisy environment. Too much overlap of sound completely drowns out a person next to me. Annoying as hell to constantly go 'WHAT?' not because I didn't hear it, but could not filter out the background sounds enough.
Go get your hearing tested. Sounds like what I do... a lot. [sad]

You ARE wearing earplugs when you ride, right?
I wouldn't put too much trust into this. Remember, you are limited by the ability of your sound card, but more importantly your speakers!
Jut keep in mind that you're really looking at the combined limits of your hearing and your spakers and sound card. If your system can generate sounds up to 22Khz and you can only hear up to 16Khz, you'll get exactly the same results as you would if you could hear up to 22Khz and your system could only produce up to 16Khz. I know I've got some hearing loss (hell, I'm pushing 60 and spent my first 20+ years of shooting without any protection), but it's fairly obvious the cut-off I'm observing is the result of my sound system's limits. I've downloaded the tones and will try them on a better sound system later.

The 15.8 one pretty much blends in with the servers and fans in the room I sit in. Time for some acoustic panels.
The Army and working for 40 years in huge computer rooms with main frame fans and A/c's creating a ROAR in the room has done it's job on me. The Army gave me a disability on my hearing loss.

12k was as high as I could go and that was only one ear.

I have a constant 'ring' in my ears at about 11k. It sounds to me like I'm taking that test 24/7.

It suxs.
Yeah, add to that driving in a Jeep and too big a set of speakers for a dorm room and a fondness for rock and roll...
dwarven1 said:
Go get your hearing tested. Sounds like what I do... a lot. [sad]

You ARE wearing earplugs when you ride, right?

I have had it checked. I tell them the same thing - it's environments with lots of noises that's a problem. So they start out with single tones and get all excited when they can't find one I can't hear and tell me I have great hearing.

And then charge me $100 for the pleasure.

Yes, I wear plugs when I ride anything but local roads as I've not had any wind noise at those speeds. (Fairing and windscreen are awesome)
i got up to 21.1 kHz and i have a system in my wagon that puts out about 120-130 dbls...[smile]

anyone go and see the hearing test results on the hearing test page.this is what it said about my results-
You are a dog
Or maybe you are a mosquito, you certainly can't be human.
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