How many useless things have you bought for your guns?

Jul 28, 2005
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I've managed to buy several aftermarket grips for many of my Sigs, etc. Inevitably I never like them better than the stock grips! The single exception being Houge grips for my 239. The other Houges just make the grip too big IMO.

I also have a plethora of holsters I don't use. I really need to "karma" some of these things.

I also have quite a bunch of preban mags that I don't use.. although I'll never get rid of them. [smile]

How about you guys?
Uncle Mike's holsters... a Ramline 10 rd mag for my Mark 1... which won't feed the last two rounds because despite what it says on the package, it DOESN'T work in my older Mark 1. A sling for my 10-22. And a loader for .45 mags. Somehow I never bother to use it. [rolleyes]

The aftermarket grips I buy, I tend to use.

My biggest expense (after the guns and ammo) is cleaning stuff. In my box there lives Blue Wonder (I wonder why I bought it!), Militec-1, Hoppes 9 (I've given up on it. I only use it for my ultrasonic tank now), Shooter's Choice (the stuff is awesome!), RIG grease for my stainless beasts, and... um... I forget the name of the stuff, but it's supposed to be non-smelly. It is... and I finish the gun off with Shooter's Choice, which finishes the job of cleaning out the bore. [rolleyes]
+ Cheap Chinese $70 green laser from ebay. Laser works fine, but the mount is so cheesy it won't hold zero.

+ "hot lips" magazine for 10/22, doesn't work very reliably.

+ cheap scope for AR15, works OK but the view at the edges makes you dizzy. Seems like you get what you pay for with optics.

On the other hand, here are some cheap things that were not useless at all:

+ Boresnake for cleaning .22/.223 and one for 12 ga

+ brass punch pins

+ auto bolt release for 10/22
Out of the many, the one thing that tops this would be all the cleaning kits I have.. swiss...russian..german...american, every time I see a military kit, I buy it.. one of the most useless items I have is a 20MM bore brush from WW2 marked SA.. picture below.
You know you're sick when you start buying aftermarket parts for a gun you haven't even bought yet. And then a second when it turns out you didn't like the color of the first.

Aside from that, I did a bunch of things to a ruger 10/22 (stock, mags, sights, magazine catch, yadda yadda) and it still never did it for me. Thank god I never got a barrel or trigger. Had a good time dremeling the auto-release, though, in fact that was the most fun I ever had with a .22 rifle.

And let's not get into the whole S&W Model 41 fiasco... Anybody want some mags on the cheap?
dreppucci007 said:
Yup...I did that just the other day...Bought a couple preban 30rd AR mags...Don't own an AR...YET! [wink]

Yeah... but you KNOW you'll be getting one soon enough.... [smile]
Box of holsters, drawer full of holsters, box of cleaning products & takedown tools, various grips, mags, ammo(including ammo for calibers I don't yet have b/c it was on sale), etc.....[smile]
dwarven1 said:
(I've given up on it. I only use it for my ultrasonic tank now)


I don’t mean to hijack this thread, but please tell us more about the ultrasonic tank. At some point I'd like to get one.

Maybe we should have a thread on useful things people bought?

Please create a thread in the proper forum on ultrasonic cleaning. Let's not bury that info here, OK?
K-DUB said:
ammo(including ammo for calibers I don't yet have b/c it was on sale), etc.....[smile]
Yeah, I just bought a box of 40S&W... and I don't OWN a .40!

But I'm bringing my buddy's .40 Firestar to Ripton this weekend, so I do have an excuse. [smile]
How many useless things?

Let me put it this way: I have a drawer in my closet filled to the brim with grips, holsters, mag extensions, etc. that I don't use.

There is ANOTHER drawer in the attic filled with the exact same type of stuff. Only that drawer is the REAAAALLY-not-gonna-use drawer. The one in the closet is the probably-not-gonna-use drawer.

Oh, and there's more stuff I'm probably not gonna use in the TWO gun cabinets (not safes) in the attic. One's got web belts, old S&W leather holsters & ammo pouches, etc. This is all stuff I inherited from my grandfather. Another's cabinet has useless stuff I've bought, like pistol grips for my Winchester 1300, a weaver rail I thought I could fit on my Model 17 for a red dot sight, etc.

I shudder to think about how much I've spent on gun accessories that I don't use...

The only thing that puts it in perspective is the amount in extras I've put on the Harley... [smile]
Jay G said:
How many useless things?

Let me put it this way: I have a drawer in my closet filled to the brim with grips, holsters, mag extensions, etc. that I don't use.

There is ANOTHER drawer in the attic filled with the exact same type of stuff. Only that drawer is the REAAAALLY-not-gonna-use drawer. The one in the closet is the probably-not-gonna-use drawer.

Oh, and there's more stuff I'm probably not gonna use in the TWO gun cabinets (not safes) in the attic. One's got web belts, old S&W leather holsters & ammo pouches, etc. This is all stuff I inherited from my grandfather. Another's cabinet has useless stuff I've bought, like pistol grips for my Winchester 1300, a weaver rail I thought I could fit on my Model 17 for a red dot sight, etc.

I shudder to think about how much I've spent on gun accessories that I don't use...

The only thing that puts it in perspective is the amount in extras I've put on the Harley... [smile]

I should come over and go through those [DESK] drawers and see if there's something that I would like that I might not use.

We could all meet up and have a little NES swap meet...
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Adam_MA said:
Watch out Jay... C-pher wants to come over and go through your drawers!

Not only does he want to go through my drawers, but he wants to have a swap meet... [shocked]

In all seriousness, though, C-ph, I think that's a great idea. Chuck all the extra grips/holsters/old magazines/etc. into a box (or in my case, a box van...) and get together to see if we can help each other out...
dwarven1 said:
Yeah, I just bought a box of 40S&W... and I don't OWN a .40!

But I'm bringing my buddy's .40 Firestar to Ripton this weekend, so I do have an excuse. [smile]

That's hardly a valid excuse, Ross. Since you've bought a box of .40, the only way out I can see is to run out and buy one.

C-pher said:
Man, I knew when I wrote that.... Adam was going to jump all over it. I really thought about re-wording that.


Hey... You throw em out there, and I'll keep using them! [smile]
I happen to think the 920# Physical Security and Containment System was an intelligent acquisition.

My wife, however - over six years later - still refers to it as "That F-ing safe!"

My usual "Think of it as an investment" never worked for this one, even after I told her it could hold all our important papers and her jewelry.

Scrivener said:
I happen to think the 920# Physical Security and Containment System was an intelligent acquisition.

My wife, however - over six years later - still refers to it as "That F-ing safe!"

My usual "Think of it as an investment" never worked for this one, even after I told her it could hold all our important papers and her jewelry.


An investement? You should keep that thing in a safe!!
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