Holster cant angle?

May 2, 2005
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Could someone please explain to me about the cant angle of a holster? Just not sure exactly what it means. What is a good angle for carrying say with an IWB holster.

Adam_MA said:
Could someone please explain to me about the cant angle of a holster? Just not sure exactly what it means. What is a good angle for carrying say with an IWB holster.


Cant is simply the holster making the pistol set at a forward angle so the draw isn't straight up and down. I guess the angle would be personal preference.
I'm looking at a new Sidearmor holster and it's offered in 5-15-20 degree cant. I am just having a hard time visualizing how it will feel without actually trying it...

You can also pick up holsters that allow for adjustable cant. My Fobus paddle hoslter has many positions available and I often change depending on whether I'm carrying strong or weak side (they call it a roto-holster). It's a nice option if you like the holster overall.
I was looking for an IWB holster. I don't think they offer that roto option for IWB. Good option for a paddle holster though.

Cant is simply the holster making the pistol set at a forward angle so the draw isn't straight up and down. I guess the angle would be personal preference.
Vertical holsters are fastest to draw from. But an angle of about 15 degrees or so tends to conceal better. You'll have to try it for yourself to see what works for you. There really isn't a good way around collecting that box of holsters that don't quite work for you. We all have that box -- it's something of a right of passage as a gun owner ;)
Do you intend to carry on your strong side, or on your weak side with a reaching toward the back type draw? If you are pulling from the back, the maximum cant helps. But, if pulling from the strong side you want much less, as you will be pulling the weapon towards your body to draw. The cant will require alot of wrist manipulation from the strong side. Personally I reccomend the least cant IWB riding high on your strong side, between your hip & crotch. That works best for me or strong side just behind your hip, light cant . However, I am really scrawny. Front strong may not be good fo you if you have a "kitchen". I don't see a problem with behind strong hip strong side carry though. Holsters are definately trial & error. I've bought a bunch that other people swore by but just didn't work for me. I have had my best luck with paddles, on my pants over a belt, right behind my hip. But also, Don Hume has good holsters cheap that have worked for me.
Thanks for the thoughts... This will be on my strong side, probably just behind my hip.

Thanks again
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