Hey Guys I need some serious help. Canton/ Stoughton Area

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First off Im looking for a good club in the Stoughton Area. I was a member of the Canton Fish and game when I was a kid. Would llove to join back up there but dont know who to contact( my first question). Secondly I have a bunch of rifles/ shotguns my dad left me upon my parents divorce. They arnt registered to me and he now lives in NH. Should I or How should I register them under my name. Is it too hard to do that. Or should I just keep the things and use them as is. But please inform me. Also please help me. ANyone knwo canton fish and game info. thanks guys
BigBear, there's a Holbrook Sportsmens' Club that's nearer the Brockton border. I went there once for a turkey shoot, I know nothing else about the club.

As far as guns left after a divorce, I know all about that, it's what prompted me to get my LTC. It basically depends on the police in your town, from what I can figure out. I went down there and tried to register the guns he left, they said they didn't care, as long as I was properly licensed (which I was). Others here know more about it. Don't forget to check the Gun Laws forum, there's tons of info there for you to plow through and learn from.
one thign though. when I go hunting, what if the warden checks my gun and its not registered to me. Its ok To " borrow" a gun from your father as long as im properly licenced. Right
Mod Hat On!


I just posted a long reply to your questions in your prior post thread.

In the future, please try to keep a thread to a single topic and put it in the proper forum. It will help all of us to help you.

The question about clubs belongs in the Gun Clubs forum. The question about registration/transfer belongs in the Gun Laws forum.

I'm not going to move this thread only because it's senseless for me to move it to two places, but we'll all appreciate your reading the forum rules and trying to work within them in the future. Thanks.
reinbeau said:
BigBear, there's a Holbrook Sportsmens' Club that's nearer the Brockton border. I went there once for a turkey shoot, I know nothing else about the club.

As far as guns left after a divorce, I know all about that, it's what prompted me to get my LTC. It basically depends on the police in your town, from what I can figure out. I went down there and tried to register the guns he left, they said they didn't care, as long as I was properly licensed (which I was). Others here know more about it. Don't forget to check the Gun Laws forum, there's tons of info there for you to plow through and learn from.


Registration has nothing to do with your local PD, other than using them as a source of your FA-10 forms. Registration forms are filed with CHSB, not the PD.

He also needs to be very careful! If he has them, hasn't registered them within 7 days, and admits that to the PD, he's admitting to commission of a crime that is a jailable offense! If he's dealing with Canton PD, Ken Berkowitz (new chief) is no friend of the gun owner and could use that info to hurt him.
bigbear383 said:
one thign though. when I go hunting, what if the warden checks my gun and its not registered to me. Its ok To " borrow" a gun from your father as long as im properly licenced. Right

Borrowing a gun, as long as you possess the proper license, is NOT a problem.

EPOs and POs can not readily determine what guns are registered to you any way, so that is a non-issue.
LenS said:

Registration has nothing to do with your local PD, other than using them as a source of your FA-10 forms. Registration forms are filed with CHSB, not the PD.

He also needs to be very careful! If he has them, hasn't registered them within 7 days, and admits that to the PD, he's admitting to commission of a crime that is a jailable offense! If he's dealing with Canton PD, Ken Berkowitz (new chief) is no friend of the gun owner and could use that info to hurt him.
Len, I went through this, and I'm sorry, it most definitely does have something to do with the local PD. I know it's been discussed to death, but I've been assured by my local gun officer what I did was fine.
Ann, concidering where we live Glenn and I follow everything to a T, and make sure our I's are dotted and T's crossed. I have IM'd him and told him what he needs to do. He needs to pick up the FA-10's for each one and fill them out and send them in. Len is right registration has nothing to do with the local PD other than you can pick up forms.

Your situation and his are totally different. I'll explain in a direct Email.

Most Licensing Officers really don't know anything about the CHSB program requirements. They have a hard enough time figuring out what they are supposed to do (and what they can get away with) in the Licensing end! If you doubt me, ask JonJ . . . we are both very aware of what is going on in that world and it would make most of you so angry that you'd be spitting nails!
Ok, I stand corrected, but.....I'm still a bit unconvinced. I have a problem with people in a forum (yes, I know many of you are knowledgable, but.....this is the internet, people can be anything they portray) contradicting a gun officer in my police department (that I've known since junior high school, and I know he knows his stuff). Bigbear should do whatever he feels is necessary to protect himself.
The important thing isn't what some local police officer tells you or what some person on the internet tells you, it's what the law actually states. On average, local police and run-of-the-mill internet posters tend to be equally bad sources of accurate legal information. That'e the reason that we try to point you to the actual law, rather than simply telling you what we think. In this case the law required that someone who obtains a firearm in Massachusetts from any source other than a MA licensed dealer "shall within seven days after receiving such firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine gun, report, in writing, to the executive director of the criminal history systems board the name and address of the seller or donor and the buyer or donee, together with a complete description of the firearm, rifle, shotgun or machine gun, including the caliber, make and serial number."

I suppose that providing a list to your local police might be something they'd consider to be "fine", but as you can see, there's no requirement for one to do so, nor is doing so something that will save you from a potential $1,000 fine for the first offense and a permanent disability to ever possess any firearm and a possible 10 years in the graybar hotel for a a second offense. (And more than one gun can mean more than one offense.)

Big Bear take a look at Ames rifle and pistol club located at 110A Canton St
N Easton. By Ames Pond. It has a 300', 200', and 100' rifle ranges. Plus a outdoor pistol range with reactive targets. Also a indoor pistol range that is
open 24 /7. Sat. or Sun. mornings are a good time to check it out.

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