Help me get Veteran’s Day off at work

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Teachers were not happy when Juneteenth became a Federal holiday, it messes w/ their end of the school year and depending on when it falls and how many snow days that year.

I give all the Federal holidays, including Juneteenth plus the day after Thanksgiving. Depending on when 4th of July, Xmas & New Year fall I'll give the day before or after as well, if those fall on say a Tuesday or a Thursday.
I’m legit gonna save this and send it to my HR department if this poll doesn’t win, to see if we can get it off anyway. If not for the whole company, at least for Veterans. Appreciate you bringing this to my attention!
They did this several years ago at the place I retired from. Someone reminded HR and Senior Management about this law and they backed off and change policy.
They told all Veterans on staff that they could take Veterans Day off as the paid holiday and then take a vacation day for the day after Thanksgiving.
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Why does everyone in this country need to feel special?
When did I say that everyone should have a day to feel special?

I stated that a day that already exists and a day we already celebrate (Veterans Day) should honor Veterans by recognizing them with a day off specifically for them.

Why should someone that didn't serve feel special by getting a day off that they did nothing to earn?
So, by how many votes you were told Juneteenth won over veterans?
Any results yet?
Teachers were not happy when Juneteenth became a Federal holiday, it messes w/ their end of the school year and depending on when it falls and how many snow days that year.

I give all the Federal holidays, including Juneteenth plus the day after Thanksgiving. Depending on when 4th of July, Xmas & New Year fall I'll give the day before or after as well, if those fall on say a Tuesday or a Thursday.
When added, Juneteenth became one of our mandatory holidays along with MLK day. In principle I'd be OK with either one being mandatory but I think making both mandatory was over-stepping and MLK day is more meaningful to me. I really can't complain because we went from 10 to 12 paid holidays.
When added, Juneteenth became one of our mandatory holidays along with MLK day. In principle I'd be OK with either one being mandatory but I think making both mandatory was over-stepping and MLK day is more meaningful to me. I really can't complain because we went from 10 to 12 paid holidays.

Won't argue on the merits of Juneteenth being made a Federal holiday, it was pure pandering and ignorance. That being said, it is a Federal holiday and we close for Federal holidays as do the USPS, MA RMV, banks, State offices, etc.
Why should someone that didn't serve feel special by getting a day off that they did nothing to earn?

In my case, I'm happy they do get that day off, because they're my family. I'm a veteran, they're not. I like spending the day with them, doing stuff.

If my wife and kids didn't have veterans' day off, I'd probably spend it catching up on laundry because they're the people I enjoy doing stuff with. Laundry doesn't strike me as much of a celebration.
Update: So the company figured out there was an issue with people voting multiple times, and they sent an updated link that only lets you vote once. Still doesn’t stop people from outside the company from voting though as far as I can tell? So if you can, please vote again! Microsoft Forms
Update: So the company figured out there was an issue with people voting multiple times, and they sent an updated link that only lets you vote once. Still doesn’t stop people from outside the company from voting though as far as I can tell? So if you can, please vote again! Microsoft Forms
No permissions, so they must be limiting to your company somehow.
Does your company do everything by committee like this?
figures. if committee does not feel satisfied with results of the vote - vote results get declared cancelled and next vote will be held, until expected results are provided.
Before I homeschooled my kids, I found out that Veteran's Day wasn't a school holiday. We'd had a late breakfast and were getting ready to go out hunting, and I got a call from the school asking if I knew where my kids were.
"Yeah, they're with me. Why?"
"You didn't call them out, today"
"Today is Veteran's Day"
"We don't celebrate that holiday, unfortunatley"
"We do. They'll be in tomorrow"
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