Half of gun owners support an assault weapon ban?

Yeah, the author who writes these dumb ass articles should call himself Mike the ANTI-gun guy. What a tool.
According to the article, there is also support for banning assault rifles, which I am sure that most people who actually participated in the survey knew what they were answering or were lead on how to answer it.
The comment section is flooded with pro-2A posters even though the fascist author demanded that "those readers in the pro-gun community will please do everyone a favor and keep their comments to themselves."
It's crazy that so many people feel so strongly about something that will never impact their day to day lives.
All in favour of an assault weapons ban, say aye.

*awaits assured 50/50 split in opinion on this sample of gun owners*
Another stupid piece from "mike the gun guy" who doesn't have a shop in were anymore. The guy is an ass and it's a waste of time to look at anything he writes. He probablys gets played by the click, don't give him any attention.
I'm sure it was half, half of those they polled, that were all Democrats, members of Mom's Demand, Brady and made donations to Hillary. I could make a poll that would come back half support founding Aztlan or that the world is flat or we never landed on the moon.

It's all a matter of who you ask and how you ask - kind of like the PotUS polls that don't mention Rand Paul.
Half of all gun owners may support an AWB. There are plenty of gun owners who just have an old hunting rifle or an old .22 plinker or shoot clays or....... Being a gun owner doesn't necessarily mean pro-2A.

Of course it doesn't matter. My individual rights are not subject to majority opinion. That's why they're called individual rights.
Half of all gun owners may support an AWB. There are plenty of gun owners who just have an old hunting rifle or an old .22 plinker or shoot clays or....... Being a gun owner doesn't necessarily mean pro-2A.

Yeah, but you know as well as I do when most of these antis are producing the "stats" that they're usually lies or outright fabrications.

I'll admit I'm embarrassed that I even paid this any mind. The absurdity of it had me reaching for the post button before my rationality kicked in. I'm sorry that I fell for this obvious clickbait. Live and learn.
I always say we need to commission our own polls. Have some 18yo girls stand out in front of an action movie as it gets out and ask 17yo boys if they think that they should be allowed to defend themself at school or if they should be helpless.....
Breaking new.... 100% of the people surveyed said that guns should be allowed in schools.... it would just as truthful as their "polls"

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"...and now that I've mentioned the unmentionable, those readers in the pro-gun community will please do everyone a favor and keep their comments to themselves".

Hey Mike...eat me![angry2]
The part Mike The Anti-Gun Guy never seems to address is how do they establish "gun owners" in the poll? They self-report, which means anyone can say, "Sure, I'm a gun owner, and I think we should ban all guns. Oh, and I belong to the NAR, too. Oh, it's the NRA? Oh, well, that's what I meant. I belong to that."
I believe the titles was supposed to be "Most Gun Owners Support, Assaulting the Weapons Ban" just bad grammar thats all!
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