Hadji Girl Uproar!


NES Member
Apr 1, 2005
Norfolk County, Massachusetts
Feedback: 141 / 0 / 0
Anyone else see all the nonsense about that video? Seems the libs
got their shorts in a bunch over it. The marine singer has apologized
and said it was all in fun. I'm sure that he must have been pretty
intimidated by all the noteriety over it. I wish there was a place where
folks like me could support this kid and get the screwballs off his back.

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It's nonsense. The politicians can call the Marines baby killers and it's fine. But god forbid a Marine make a JOKE song.... [angry]
Where's the post with a link to the video? Ther is a link off there to his bands' web site... Probably be able to support him there.
Guess it's time for this old chestnut.

Shoot, how else are they supposed to blow of steam over there. There isn't much for them to do. Good grief some people really need to lighten up. [rolleyes]
Most found it humorous. Shoot I Sent it to Alan, and they thought it was funny as hell. Oh, maybe we need to remind the asswipes that these guys are getting shot at on a daily basis and it was humor.
Allright off my soapbox for the moment.
Some also have to deal with the scumbags that try to kill them on a daily basis.
C-pher said:
Actually, I've talked back and forth to the guy a few times. He's a really nice guy that's got back sometime late March this year and is already going to go back in August or September.

if they let him back. I don't know how things work over there, but the media wants blood, and sofar I haven't heard very much from the Corps side. Hopefully it will all blow over for him.

Some people have NO sence of humar, and by sence of humar I mean the ability to decern a remark made to be funny vs somthing said in all seriousness. You don't have to think it's funny, but don't go calling it what it's not.

Also if I have everything straight the kills in the song were all totally clean. The soldier in the song is following a beautiful Iraqi girl back to meet her parents, against his better judgement (but haven't we all been there?) when suddenly he's ambushed by Father and brother with AKs. The girls are killed by friendly fire (if ever a bigger oxymoron did exist) and only then does the Marine return fire. And to use Euro-Wimp terminology he only returned "reasonable force" "Excessive force" would have been tossing a grenade. [smile]

This is right on line with Micheal Moore trying to demonize soldiers for listing to music durring tank raids in Ferinhight 9-11.

I listen to music while I'm at work...what's the big deal?

Even though these guys are all heros, they're also still just men and women doing thier job, and they are issued weapons because they're expected to use them when the need arises (such as being accosted by hostile Iraqis with AKs). If these wimps who like to demonize them simply because they protect America with guns and bombs yet are still normal Young Men and Young Women had thier way each soldier would be issued on dozen pink carnations, and one unicorn that farts rainbows, and all wars would be won with no casulties and no collatoral damage [rolleyes]


-Weer'd Beard
C-pher, please tell that Marine that there are a BUNCH of people here who think that the song is funny and that the idiots who are getting thier knickers in a twist are f****** A******s.

And Derek? Would you mind a little civilian assistance?

Thought not.

It's the same bs like the Mohammed cartoons.

Civilians are getting tortured, mutilated, and beheaded, and US/UK troops are getting shot and blown up in Iraq, but instead of condemming that they all get their panties in a twist over a funny song.

I can't sing or play guitar so I can't get this started but I would love to see amateur musicians release their own version of Hadji Girl on youtube and elsewhere online.
MrsWildweasel said:
Shoot, how else are they supposed to blow of steam over there. There isn't much for them to do. Good grief some people really need to lighten up. [rolleyes]
Most found it humorous. Shoot I Sent it to Alan, and they thought it was funny as hell. Oh, maybe we need to remind the asswipes that these guys are getting shot at on a daily basis and it was humor.
Allright off my soapbox for the moment.
Some also have to deal with the scumbags that try to kill them on a daily basis.
This is absolutely true for people connected to the war, fighting it or having someone over there fighting it, but to the general population - I cringed when I watched it. Not over the subject matter, but over the reaction I knew was going to follow. He really should have thought it through before releasing it over the internet. He has my full support and sympathy, however!!!

And remember, I thought it was funny, too.
Liberal Left and Islamist Enemies of Our Country Unite!

"Hadji Girl" video upsets CAIR
June 13, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - On June 12, the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] a Saudi funded Islamist pressure group kicked off an email campaign designed gin-up anti-military sentiment at a time when their allies in the American press are conducting their own campaign of character assassination against U.S. Marines involved in a firefight in Haditha, Iraq. The CAIR email states:

Song's lyrics: 'I blew those little f**kers to eternity'

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/12/06) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on the Pentagon and Congress to investigate a music video posted on the Internet that seems to show U.S. Marines cheering a song that glorifies the killing of Iraqi civilians.

CAIR said the four-minute video, called "hadji girl," purports to be a "marine in iraq singing a song about hadji." (A "Hajji" is a person who has made the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, but the term has often been used as a pejorative by U.S. troops in Iraq.) The song, posted online in March, tells of a U.S. Marine's encounter with an Iraqi woman. It has been viewed by almost 50,000 people.

The song's lyrics include: "I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me. As the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally. . .I blew those little f**kers to eternity . . .They should have known they were f**king with the Marines." Members of the audience, not shown in the video, laughed and cheered wildly for these lyrics.

MarkM said:
I can't sing or play guitar so I can't get this started but I would love to see amateur musicians release their own version of Hadji Girl on youtube and elsewhere online.
I can sing... anyone want to play guitar while I provide the vocals? [smile]
reinbeau said:
This is absolutely true for people connected to the war, fighting it or having someone over there fighting it, but to the general population - I cringed when I watched it. Not over the subject matter, but over the reaction I knew was going to follow. He really should have thought it through before releasing it over the internet. He has my full support and sympathy, however!!!

And remember, I thought it was funny, too.

What the PC crowd forgets they are in a war zone. Our servicemembers have seen things, done things that NO ONE should ever have to deal with. Cripes when these guys are working 12 and 24 hour days, dealing with scumbags trying to kill you on a daily basis, I'm sorry they are entitled to be cut some slack. Maybe the ones crying about it should spend some time over there with their rose colored glassed Off and try and keep their sanity. Wonder how they would like being mortared on a nightly basis? Watching your commrades being blown to bits from an IED?
I am sick of the PC crown whining and crying over everything, if they don't like it , they can always move to one of those wonderful countries where their rights WILL be infringed upon.
Last I knew we still had freedom of speech, and lord knows if the shoe was on the other foot they would be squeeling.
Glad, Alan doesn't have to worry about us judging him or anyone else while they've been there. Especially since none of us have been there to see what they go through.

I am, as you all know, a civilian. Never served. Never been shot at. But even I understand that under stress, you've got to deal with it somehow... and laughter is the universal way that the human animal deals with stress. How many bad (and I mean cruel) jokes have we all heard? and laughed at? Look at the humor and see just what we're laughing at - at someone else's pain.

Yet that's the way we're wired. These "people" forget that the human being is part of the animal kingdom! Yes, we have a divine spark... but we still have a part of us that needs that stress relief. I'm sure that that Marine doesn't mean he wants to go killing civilians... and I'm just as sure that if an Iraqi civlian draws down on him, the Marine will return fire... and sleep soundly that night because he's still alive.

So what CAIR, and all the bleeding hearts don't understand is that the song is just a way of blowing off steam. Funny how the bleeding hearts don't condemn the bastards shooting at our boys - guess they use all their sympathy for the terrorists and have none left for the US serviceman.

Which is shameful.

I wish I could tell Corp Belile that some of find the song funny, in the way it was intended.

MrsWildweasel said:
Shoot, how else are they supposed to blow of steam over there. There isn't much for them to do. Good grief some people really need to lighten up. [rolleyes]
Most found it humorous. Shoot I Sent it to Alan, and they thought it was funny as hell. Oh, maybe we need to remind the asswipes that these guys are getting shot at on a daily basis and it was humor.
Allright off my soapbox for the moment.
Some also have to deal with the scumbags that try to kill them on a daily basis.

Couldn't agree more with the comments above! [jihad]

The people who criticize this video need to understand what the phrase "in context" means. People who deal with danger/tension/stress on a regular basis often find some relief in what most people would call "black humor." When the marine made this video I'm sure he had no idea it would appear on the internet. Kinda like things I've said to some of my fellow workers just between us on a break. I'd sure hate for some of those comments to be repeated, let alone put on the internet.

I did laugh when I heard the song, so I guess I'm a sick b******d too! [smile]
Thank you Ross for saying what I was trying to put into words with out getting my bloodpressure in a boil.
Ross for someone never having worn a uniform. You're more than okay in my book. For a civilian.[smile] [laugh]
The words you never say to a cop: "Hey, my taxes pay your salary!"

And ones servicemen & women almost never hear: "And I don't begrudge a single penny of it."

You're welcome, Sue.
Sue, I hope you know I meant no disrespect to the guys who made the video and understand precisely why and what it was about, and support them blowing off steam. My distain is only for the PC crowd who are going to wave this like a flag, and the a**holes that'll take it to heart, instead of realizing, as many have said, the context. [thinking]
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