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GUNWIRE website, is it no longer being updated?

May 21, 2013
South Shore, MA
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I look at this site every now and then and it looks as if it is no longer being maintained. Does anyone have any knowledge or history about site?

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I think you're correct. it looks like thegunfeed.com is still updated though.
Websites come and go...I think a lot of well-intentioned types start up a website(s) for real short $$, then discover it can be extremely time consuming, more than they'd ever initially realized. It really can take up every waking minute, especially if your site is popular. And nowadays people expect someone to answer their questions/blogs/texts literally immediately. It's the "I want it now" mentality. Hell, I've sold stuff on eBay and Amazon and even people there get a little (lot) irritated if they have to wait a few HOURS for their post/question/whatever to be addressed. God help you if they order something on the Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving and they haven't received it by the following Tuesday. They're horrified. Not saying this is the case with the gun sites mentioned, just know from personal experience online can take a lot out of your free time, and maybe that's the case with these? (I'd coincidentally looked at gunwire again just last night and said to myself "What's up wit this site??").

Look how often I've (and probably many of you) logged onto NES for a "quick sec" to check your messages or to see what all the fuss is that you heard about in Carolina/Ferguson/etc and two hours later your wife is yelling up at you, in your den, logged onto NES... "I thought we were gonna watch a Netflix movie? Where the hell are you?" etc
Websites come and go...I think a lot of well-intentioned types start up a website(s) for real short $$, then discover it can be extremely time consuming, more than they'd ever initially realized. It really can take up every waking minute, especially if your site is popular. And nowadays people expect someone to answer their questions/blogs/texts literally immediately. It's the "I want it now" mentality. Hell, I've sold stuff on eBay and Amazon and even people there get a little (lot) irritated if they have to wait a few HOURS for their post/question/whatever to be addressed. God help you if they order something on the Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving and they haven't received it by the following Tuesday. They're horrified.

If you're business can't fulfill those requirements, another one will. Consumers have many many options... You shouldn't be resentful that your customers have expectations that are not unreasonable in today's market.
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