Gunfight outside my office last night!

May 8, 2005
In the Great Smoky Mountains
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The whole block of Stuart street is sealed. Not too much in the way of details except BPD shot and killed a suspect who was supposedly firing into a crowd.Two women were also shot. I'm not certain, but I think I may have heard on the scanner that one of them had died, but that's NOT confirmed.
There must be forty or fifty evidence cones placed around the parking lot. I wonder how many of them are shell casings.

My son keeps telling me how safe Boston is. He won't listen.
I've often said I could never be a cop.
I couldn't take the hours and the schedule.
As a cop, you're almost always dealing with idiots.
So often when Joe Public calls for the police, they're the last ones he'd really care to see.
No matter what, someone ain't gonna be happy with what you gotta say or how you handle their situation.
Usually, they're the first ones to get to a scene, no matter if it's a fire, fight, firefight, first aid, fatality, family feud or whatever.
For me, They sure can be a welcome sight when it's getting ready to hit the fan.
They've saved my bacon more than a few times.
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