Gun violence up..............

Apr 1, 2005
Newton, New Hampshire
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75% in Mass. so far this year. Wow, the gun buy-back program and the "toughest in the nation" gun laws are really working aren't they? If I'm a politician, I've got the answer. More gun control for law-abiding citizens. Make sense? No?
How about fist fights? Are they "human appendage" violence?

The dirty little "secret" about so-called "gun violence" is that it is in all reality violence perpetrated by one human being against another that just happens to include the use of a firearm, often in conjuction with other expressions of violence. But by calling it "gun violence" you demonize the gun and downplay the actions and responsibility of the person(s) who is/are causing the violence in the first place.
Buffalo Bill,
BTW, I'm not dumping on you.
I sometimes catch myself saying dirty words like "assault weapon".
The anti-gunners and their lackeys have twisted the meanings of our language by constant repetion of these kinds of lies.
It is exasperating beyond words when WE / I get caught in their trap.[angry]
I was raised to believe that good people and the truth will prevail, but sometimes it's really hard to imagine how this will happen.
The only option seems to be: Stick together and NEVER GIVE AN INCH!
yep, those guns are out of control. People would never be capable of commiting acts of violence. Okay sarcasm off.
The history of the world shows that violence has existed since the begining of time but unfortunately we have goups of people that try to demonize an inanimate object instead of placing the blame where it belongs on the individual/s perpetrating the crimes. These types of people are truly in need of psycological help but unfortunately they are so blinded by their brainwashing that they think they are okay.
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