Gun safe

Apr 28, 2005
Red Sox Nation
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I'm going to need a gun safe. Specifically, two gun safes. One will be a quick-access safe which I will mount to the wall in my bedroom closet to hold one or two pistols. That one can be readily picked up from a gun shop.

I'm trying to figure out what I want for a REAL safe, which I plan to put in the basement. Four Seasons sells a pretty nice Sentry safe but at 332 pounds I'm not sure it's up to the task. I called a locksmith who is a dealer for Liberty safes and asked him about used safes and he said I should expect to pay $500 just to have it moved, if I can even find one. I looked in the latest Want Advertiser but couldn't find any used safes for sale. There are a few manufacturers with some pretty nice stuff on Ebay, but shipping will probably run close to $200, and that only gets it as far as the end of my driveway...I'd still probably need to hire a rigger to get it into my basement.

I'd ideally like to find a nice used one and spend less than $750 total, including delivery and having a locksmith reset the lock.

What do you guys use? Any good local sources or deals to be had?

Thanks in advance.
I picked up a Sentry G5453 at Four Seasons about 5 months ago. I love it. Not fireproof but certainly secure and don't let the "light" weight fool you. Carl & the guys will help you get it in your vehicle. If your going up more than 2 or 3 stairs you'll need a strong friend and a good dolly. Better yet, have two friends waiting at your house and tell them youll supply the beer while they supply the labor. You can supervise :-)

Bugie the believer
There is an art to moving a heavy safe in place . . . at least without destroying anything in the process!

Eastern Security Safe Company, 23 Providence St, Mendon, MA 01756, (800) 698-8800 is at all the gun shows. They sell some top notch stuff and they may have some used safes . . . it's worth asking them.

Another option that might be better (not fireproof, but burglar-resistant) is Zanotti, another gun show regular. There safes come apart and thus moving it is not such a big deal. You assemble it in place. Here's the link to info on them, no idea on price:
Thanks for that link Len.I am up in Littleton all the time on my route.Maybe I can get a discount for picking it up in my truck :D

I have delivered a few gunsafes on my route to residences.They told me they purchased the safe on Feebay.If anyone purchases a safe and has it delivered in my area,I could prob save you the liftgate charge (usually $60.00-$100.00, depends on weight) by writing on the bill I didn't use it :) I might even be able to figure out a way to cancel the residential delivery charges (another $50.00-$125.00 again,depends on weight) by having the safe delivered to a business.By having it sent to a business,it would also eliminate the notification charges associated with a home delivery (another $25.00) Of course I would actually deliver it to your house.

The only catch is all of this has to happen in my delivery area.

shipping will probably run close to $200, and that only gets it as far as the end of my driveway

Ya,that's the way trucking companies operate.Sometimes during residential deliverys,the customer is under the assumption we are movers..LOL Our only requirement is curbside delivery.There are some carriers (local types,not nationwide carriers) that deliver safes up to a maximum of 3 steps,but they are really expensive.

It all depends on the customer with me as too how much out of my way I will go to help them.the last safe I delivered I put it into the guy's garage.He was pretty cool.If i go to a residence,and the guy/gal DIRECTS me where to put something,it stays curbside.If they ask a favor,and it doesn't involve going up stairs or traversing across a 2 acre lawn,I will usually do it.

$20.00 will generally get you a lot of help from any trucker.
I use a cheap Walmart variety gun safe - I'm screwed if anyone robs me...........not practical for me to buy a 300lb safe though - since I can't call any place "home" (military)
We got one of the very heavy duty metal gun cabinets and it's bolted into the studs in the wall. It would take a bomb to loosen it. It's kept in a room that isn't easily seen. Plus we have a security system and a dog that barks. :D We couldn't swing a gun safe when we were looking - IIRC the cabinet cost less than $150.00
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