Gun collection recording software

I have used gunsafe for years. For the price it has been great.

It has 2 screens for purchasing/firearms info, another for maintenance and one for buyers info if you were to ever sell. There is also the ability to tie images to the record.

Now with that said, I just purchased GunTracker™ from the DL Reilly Insurance Agency, who through Chubb has the Historic Firearms and Collectibles Insurance program. I bought the software after a glowing reccomendation from a friend. I have installed it and briefly looked at it but thats it. One of the things Guntracker has that Gunsafe doesn't is a built in database of firearm values.

Gunsafe is free. Guntracker is $39.95 unless you belong to the insurance group in which case it is $28.50


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This seems pretty good, especially for the money !

For free software, that's not bad. I downloaded it last night. This gives me an excuse to sit back on a rainy day to finally organize my records of ownership and fondle my growing collection.

Thanks and a Tip O' the Stetson Pligrim !
When I bought NMCollector, it cost me a whopping $5.00! It was a special deal, not sure if it was one of the forums, eBay or somewhere else as it was a few years ago.
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