Guess Who Got Pinched?

Aug 17, 2005
New England
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Sep 26, 2:06 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Cindy Sheehan, the California woman who has used her son's death in Iraq to spur the anti-war movement, was arrested Monday while protesting outside the White House.

Sheehan and several dozen other protesters sat down on the sidewalk after marching along the pedestrian walkway on Pennsylvania Avenue. Police warned them three times that they were breaking the law by failing to move along, then began making arrests.

Sheehan, 48, was the first taken into custody. She stood up and was led to a police vehicle while protesters chanted, "The whole world is watching."

Sheehan's 24-year-old son, Casey, was killed in an ambush in Sadr City, Iraq, last year. She attracted worldwide attention last month with her 26-day vigil outside President Bush's Texas ranch.

Sheehan was among several hundred demonstrators who marched around the White House on Monday and then stopped in front and began singing and chanting "Stop the war now!"

The demonstration is part of a broader anti-war effort on Capitol Hill organized by United for Peace and Justice, an umbrella group. Representatives from anti-war groups were meeting Monday with members of Congress to urge them to work to end the war and bring home the troops.

The protest following a massive demonstration Saturday on the National Mall that drew a crowd of 100,000 or more, the largest such gathering in the capital since the war began in March 2003.

On Sunday, a rally supporting the war drew roughly 500 participants. Speakers included veterans of World War II and the war in Iraq, as well as family members of soldiers killed in Iraq.

"I would like to say to Cindy Sheehan and her supporters don't be a group of unthinking lemmings. It's not pretty," said Mitzy Kenny of Ridgeley, W.Va., whose husband died in Iraq last year. The anti-war demonstrations "can affect the war in a really negative way. It gives the enemy hope."

The scumbucket won't get sympathy from me. She wanted to get back in the news, I see she's found a way.

She has to be the most incredibly STUPID person in this country. She even wanted the National Guardsmen out of Louisiana, calling them names. What a DIPSHIT.
Nickle said:
The scumbucket won't get sympathy from me. She wanted to get back in the news, I see she's found a way.

She has to be the most incredibly STUPID person in this country. She even wanted the National Guardsmen out of Louisiana, calling them names. What a DIPSHIT.

Tell us your opinion of Cindy. :D
Here's something that might explain WHY she wanted back in the news:

Cindy Sheehan: Hurricane Rita was 'Just a Little Wind and Rain'

By CK Rairden
Sep 25, 2005

Anti-war protest mom Cindy Sheehan turned green with envy on Saturday as the cable networks and the rest of America ignored the Sheehan crowd and concentrated on Hurricane Rita, the Category 3 storm that slammed into Texas and Louisiana early Saturday morning.
Here's another one. Worth a look at the link, you'll see the person's picture. Not the NORMAL demographics of a Conservative to some, but, just what I'd expect from her.

Where was Cindy Sheehan Three Years Ago?

By Del Williams
September 24, 2005
Saturday marked a sad day for America when 100,000 people marched in Washington to protest the war. This is all spearheaded by a grieving mother, Cindy Sheehan, who said nothing when her son joined the service, yet now that he paid the ultimate price, she has volumes to say.

Well Cindy where were you on March 19, 2002 when this all started? Where were your tents and signs then? Finally, how could you disparage your son’s memory by making him the reason you found your voice? Were you a pacifist before or did this just come out?

Nearly nineteen hundred other people have lost sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers, but few would dishonor their death by saying the war was not just and therefore they died in vain. Your speech makes your son’s death a thing of vanity.

We as a nation are grateful for his service and sacrifice, but you act like a mother who wants everyone to pay for his decision to go. There was no drafting, so he could have stayed home, but unlike his mother, he loved his country. He didn’t question his duty and he knew the price he could pay.

I am sorry for your loss, but I am sorrier that you have chosen to lash out against our soldiers and nation to handle your grief. Maybe the two book deal with Open Media will ease some of the suffering.

By the way Cindy, telling Italy to withdraw is just about near treason in my book, so if you can not handle the war and the cost of it, please GO HOME!!! You do not speak for the majority, but a bunch of renegades that would picket and march over anything that is against our President. You should be so happy you live in this country where, as a woman, you can do all this without getting killed. Your son died to give that same right to women in Iraq, or was your son’s blood to high a price for their freedom?
jacobtowne said:
Tell us your opinion of Cindy. :D

I've seen that she was in New Orleans. What would it take me (see below) at this point? Not much (read my sig line). Good thing they DIDN'T send me down there. She'd have hated meeting me.

Sheehan’s behavior has hardly abated since events of actual importance displaced her from the national spotlight. She has called New Orleans “a city that is occupied” and portrayed National Guardsmen bringing relief to Hurricane Katrina victims as murderous thugs:

I saw soldiers walking around in patrols of 7 with their weapons slung on their backs. I wanted to ask one of them what it would take for one of them to shoot me…
Sue, I honestly don't know who would be worse, unless you included my wife.

She hates politics, but I'd wager Cindy couldn't keep her mouth shut, then watch that good old Cherokee temper flare up. (The wife's a tiny part Cherokee, NASTY temper, she got it from her father.)
Nickle,I know all about that Cherokee temper. My dad was 1/4 Cherokee. It would definately be allover if Cindy Sheehan opened her mouth. I have no tolerenace for what she is pulling. I'm sorry her son died,but she shouldn't be doing this. Hopefully everyone sees she has lost her nut.
Both of you would have to get past me to be first in line. I'm come from Scot warrior stock on one side, and Patriot blood (Concord/Lexington) on the other. I'd have her in tears in 10 seconds.
I saw a video of her getting arrested this morning on the news.

She was actually looking at the camera and smiling when they put her in the paddy waggon. While everyone was looking down or something..she was staring the camera right in the face and smiling like she knew that she was back in the news.

How stupid...why would you want to be arrested. Now you have to go to court. Someone's got to spend money to get you out of jail. You're going to have a mark on your record.

It makes no sense.
C-pher said:
How stupid...why would you want to be arrested.

It makes no sense.

She thought she was going to get back on the Major Network News. I didn't watch all of NBC's broadcast last night, but almost all of it. She didn't make the news.

HAHA! The jokes on her. Got arrested for what? Nothing, it didn't work!

I do believe the media is getting sick of her crap.

The following is SATIRE. I just wish it was true. (It lokks to be anti-Bush, also)

George W. Bush Declares Cindy Sheehan an Enemy Combatant

Unconfirmed sources report that the recently arrested anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan has been declared an enemy combatant and flown to Guantanamo Bay Cuba for questioning and indefinite incarceration.
I understand that PFC England will be sentenced to being assigned to Guantanamo Bay to bring her special brand of expertise to the prisoners there... [roll]

Maybe we'll get a little PGGA for Derek out of it. [twisted]
Ross, have you seen what she looks like?
England or Sheehan? England looks like an Uber Dyke,and well Sheehan....Although I'm sure someone in Leavenworth will like her. [roll]
derek said:
Ross, have you seen what she looks like?

Uh... No, not really, Derek. I usually read the stories. I don't need to look at the pictures. [Marine joke deleted; somehow I don't feel like I have the right to make it. Now if my cousin the squid was writing this post... but he's not].

Now I know why hubby isn't trying to get her back home...

As for England, well, she looks kinda grim, but I think I can understand why she might, as it was probably taken AFTER she got charged.

As I think I've mentioned here before, looks don't last... personality does. And both of the afore-mentioned persons have demonstrated (sorry for the pun) what their personalities are like.
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