Great news about airguns!

Sep 15, 2005
North Attleboro, MA
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I just had a discussion with the folks at the Westboro field headquarters
of Mass Wildlife and the conclusion was that hunting with airguns is
fine and that they are NOT considered a rifle by their rules, thus they may
be used in areas where hunting with a rifle is prohibited. The one exclusion
is that in a WMA that is stocked with birds, during bird season, there is a
specific requirement that only archery gear and shotguns be used. Otherwise,
if it doesn't say you can't, you can. I love hunting with a rifle, and in the
areas where houses are not too close I'd vastly prefer it over a shotgun.
So now an airgun is on my must have list. Those bushytails are in trouble now!
Any airgunners around?

RWS 52 with scope is downright nasty with squirrels. 1100fps with .177
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