Has anyone else been having trouble with this range lately? I know several members and no one ever knows whats going on. The best the club does is send out long but low info email blasts once every month or two. They are constantly changing procedures and codes. First it was a pin and gate code, then a keyfob then a log in page you had to complete every visit, then a disposable wrist band that needed to be remade every single visit. Now the keyfobs are gone and the gate code is back (no they dont tell you what the gate code is unless you can attend their meeting, how youre supposed to get to the meeting house with no code I have no idea). The login page collected all your info including your membership number, full name, and when you used the range, this info was accidentally PUBLICLY posted on one of their two websites. For a while they had two websites at the same time with contradictory info. The memberships and how bringing guests works is completely unclear and seems to have changed, apparently the more expensive guest membership allows you to bring one guest one time and nothing more. There are several different contact points for them many of which dont work, they reply to emails seemingly 5% of the time and apparently the “contact the board” web form on their site isn’t functional.
Between the constant code/fob/access changes and the latest shutdown the range has been functionally unusable for the majority of the year.
Yes. Ditto on much of what you've noted.
Since the new BOD, they've been a complete shitshow. Haven't been able to use the range because ... no membership card, no fob, no gate code, whatever the thing of day is, received a site login that they randomly disable, can't recover the account because it hasn't/doesn't work, it takes months for them to respond to an email if ever. If someone does respond it's like having a conversation with the MSP assigned to the Karen Read case, spotty mass email blasts where you need to be a mind reader, leaves you wondering if they're into day drinking, or just WTF. Only evidence that I have a paid membership is by the bank receipt ... doubt they even know who is/isn't a member.
Been a member for years. Paid throughout the shutdown years, made numerous cash donations in support of their legal expenses, and even attended the town hearings. With the new BOD, took nearly 12 months for them to fix and accept another renewal. Had to send them photographic proof of prior membership. As soon as they took the money, silence. I can no longer log in and no longer receive any club emails. Can't leave them a phone message either since the message box is always full.
To this day, despite numerous attempts, I have not been able to utilize the range a single time since renewal. Add in the shutdown period, it's been years now ...
I did reach out to Andy at one point, and he was willing to assist, but am trying to avoid bothering him much. He had stepped down from managing things and he's been dealing with a family illness.
If there are multiple individuals having the same problems, maybe we could compose a letter together and submit it to Andy and the BOD.
" all your info including your membership number, full name, and when you used the range, this info was accidentally PUBLICLY posted on one of their two websites"
Uhh, what?!
They still have a FOB request status on-line which reveals the full names of everyone that has requested a FOB. Last updated February of 2024.