Good startup AR15 books

Apr 30, 2007
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With many of us getting AR lowers and starting the journey into the EBR world, I thought it may be a good idea to tell you about a couple of AR15 book s I purchased from MidwayUSA. They are:

"The AR-15 Complete Assembly Guide, 2nd Edition" Book by Walt Kuleck


"The AR-15 Complete Owner's Guide" Book by Walt Kuleck

They arrived today so I have only been able to quickly look through them but from what I have seen so far I think that they will be quite useful. They deal with assembly and disassembly, troubleshooting, maintenance etc. At $20 buck a pop they will be a good investment considering how little I know about AR's.

Just thought I would share the info.
I am pretty new to ARs also and picked up the owners guide at the BigE gun show. It was worth the $20 to read. I will probably get te assembly guide also since I like the way the owners guide was written.

Over at another forum, they recomment Green Eyes, Black Rifles which I will be picking up soon also.
+1 for Kuleck's books. I'd had the pleasure of having lunch with Walt at a Garand Collector's Association event a few years back. Really nice, helpful and knowledgeable guy. Those two books are as good a primer on AR assembly and maintenance as I've personally found.

My only minor gripe is that they're a tad out of date in a couple of areas, especially aftermarket equipment recommendations (I believe that he'd said that the Jewell trigger was the best available at the time of publication). Also, the sections on laws and competition regulations are a bit out of date. (Note that these gripes are common to a great many gun books).

IMHO, Derrick Martin's "The Complete Guide to AR-15 Accuracy" is a good companion. Covers many aspects of technique, equipment, & loading.

IMNSHO, I was not impressed at all by John Feamster's "Black Magic". It had a few nuggets, but I had to dig through way to hard to find them.
Over at another forum, they recommend Green Eyes, Black Rifles which I will be picking up soon also.

I just got this book yesterday. I have only read a couple of chapters but from leafing through the whole thing I can tell that this is a good all-in-one reference for anyone considering getting or already using an AR.

Some of the subjects it covers are:

  1. Weapon selection
  2. Sighting/zeroing
  3. Loading/reloading (including tactical reloads)
  4. Malfunctions and how to deal with them
  5. Ballistics
  6. Shooting positions (some are quite funky [smile])
  7. Shooting on the move
  8. Weapon transitions
  9. Maintenance

Everything is explained in good detail and is accompanied by b/w photos.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking to do more with their rifle than just punch paper.
I don't have a copy of The Competitive AR-15 by Zediker yet, but I've read the sample pages on his web site and really liked what I've seen. His web site:

I've read the two Gun Digest AR-15 books, and didn't like them much. Decent as a gear guide, maybe. They're easy to find in bookstores and libraries, so you can try before you buy, at least.
A excellent book is Green eyes and black rifles the warriors guide to the combat carbine. The book is by Kyle E Lamb. I just got the book and so far its an excellent read.
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