Good example of no questions asked Death Sentence

Time to plug the toaster in and turn it on.

Perhaps Texas could take care of this oxygen thief. I hear their Death Row has a drive through lane.
WOW... Just WOW, I know their are a lot of f*cked up people that do a lot of nasty sh*t to others but this blew me away. I just can't fathom the mind set of this a**h*** baby and how he could do what he did to his daughter and her friend for being AWOL. WTF [evil] . I say no chair for this scum bag, just general prison population... they'll know what to do with him [twisted] .
Just make sure he's in the general population until his trial comes up. He won't see the court room. As strange as it sounds, criminals in jail had a "code of ethics" if you will, when it comes to kids. You don't mess around with kids. If you do, they carry out the sentence. And it won't be swift.
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