Good Day at AFS

May 19, 2005
Brentwood, NH
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Consider this is a companion post to LenS' earlier post about his day at BR&P.

I drove down to AFS in No. Attleboro this afternoon for some quality time with the Remington 870 and the Ruger P345. When I got there, I was told I'd have to wait, as it was quite crowded.

Sure enough, ALL the lanes were in use with several people waiting in line!

It was a beautiful thing to see - here in the land of Reilly.

Waiting in long lines at the bank? No thanks.

The RMV? I don't think so.

The gun range? Don't mind at all.

I've never seen so many people there before. Handguns, shotguns, rifles; large-caliber, medium-caliber, small-caliber; wood, steel, and scary black plastic.

I (heart) diversity.

Brief range report: that 870 shoots a nice tight (and accurate) group of 00 buck at 25'. Nine holes, center mass, it does a goblin good.
Matt has really made some good changes over there. I said it a few months ago as did Len, Give them time to change and they did.
to bad you didn't arrive a little earlier, you could have watched part of the USPSA match the was taking place for most of the day. That was a lot of fun

I was at AFS the Saturday before the match and the place was packed with people waiting to shoot - enough for the ranges to be full, but not enough for onerous waits. Besides, they let you look at guns if you start to get bored.

We got off the ranges as quickly as possible after the USPSA match, and the ranges were filled within 10 minutes. One of the reasons attendance at the match is limited is to that AFS does not have to blackout their range for an entire day.

The AFS people have been nothing but helpful and honorable in their dealings with the match, USPSA and competitors.
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