Glock 27 info


NES Member
Aug 3, 2006
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I maybe buying a friend's Glock 27 in .40. Anybody have good/bad experience. I see glocks listed as different generations, what's the differences, which are better? What should I pay for this?
Thanks for info
I had one, it shot great but I never really liked how it fit my hand and my Glock 23 concealed just as well for me and my build.

If I remember correctly the baby glocks are all gen 3 with finger groves but no light rail.

Depending on how generous your friend is anywhere from 500-700 I would think would be reasonable.

Take Care

I agree that they don't fit in your hand well. Plus the .40sw recoil with such a small lightweight gun isn't a good mix. A Glock 23 would be a better shooting gun, but not as good as a carry piece! I used to own a model 33 (same as 27, but in .357 sig) and I regret selling it because it is a great carry piece.
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I've got one that I carry and shoot quite a bit. I haven't found the light weight and the .40 a problem. You do want to kake sure that you get the Pearce grip extenders for all the magazines, so that you little finger isn't left hanging there with nothing to rest on.

I carry my 26 or 27 all the time. What do you want it for? I have plenty of good times shooting with it in IDPA and just for fun. The 27 is more to handle than the 26 but is manageable especially with the pearce pinky extension (not the plus 1) However the pinky extension extends the grip so I don't use it for CCW.

Awesome guns but if your not planning on CCW I'd opt for the 19 or 23.

If you live in MA prices are high and you can only find used. Elsewhere you can pick em up new for low 500s.

Like I've said to others before- try it if you haven't. If you like the fit you're good to go.

Good luck.
Good point, the finger grip does make a big difference. Same goes with my Para Warthog, which is similar sized! With either the 26 or the 27 you can use larger mags (17 or 22) and get the grip extention that attaches to the mag. That way you get a full grip for target pratice.
I greatly enjoy my 27. Have put well over 3000 rounds through it so far this year. If I carry it on my waist I use a pinky extension...on my ankle I do not.

I would not recommend the handgun if the individual was not going to practice with it a lot.

Four Seasons has them for sale from time to time for $699.00.
I love mine.

Either with or without the Pearce pinky extension, but slightly better with the extension, and it definitely makes the draw better from concealment. However, I don't like the +1 extensions on them, but that's just my preference.

The weapon shoots great, and I don't find the recoil to be bad at all.
I used to have a G26, but just recently acquired a G27 and a G23. Personally, I can shoot my particular 27 better then the 23. However, I do notice that follow up shots with the 27 are definitely more difficult then with my old G26.

One nice thing about Glocks in general is holster versatility and compatability. I carry my G27 in a Milt Sparks VM2, but the G23 fits the same holster perfectly and really does conceal as well as the smaller one. In fact my G17 and G22 will also fit in the VM2, but the barrel sticks out of the bottom a little.

I really like the G27 and despite fairly large hands I prefer the smaller flat bottom mags. To each their own.
I am going at lunch to pick mine up. I just had it sent to Carl for transfer. I have shot them before, and kinda like the way they feel.

BTW, this is what I have chosen to be my first Glock!
All this talk about Glock 27's is making me want one!!! As I stated earlier I used to have a model 33, but sold it. A 3rd gen model 26 wouldn't be bad either...
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