For those who have C&R licenses


NES Member
Oct 19, 2005
Watching the Hippos
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If you buy through the mail, how long did it take for the dealers to respond after you sent them a letter and a copy of your 03FFL?

I've sent out about ten letters, the longest was two weeks ago. Did the dealers send you a letter?


Garys said:
If you buy through the mail, how long did it take for the dealers to respond after you sent them a letter and a copy of your 03FFL?

I've sent out about ten letters, the longest was two weeks ago. Did the dealers send you a letter?



Many never respond. But when you buy something from them, they will have the documentation needed to perhaps ship it to you.

"perhaps" is because many will not ship anything to a MA resident . . . regardless if it is an 01 FFL, 03 FFL, or Joe Citizen.

A few do respond with Email or a letter.
Thanks. I guess the best way is to call and ask. One outfit, who shall remain nameless, did reply to my email that they will sell to MA. They did want copies of my 03FFL and LTC.

I'll start making calls this week and I WON'T report back who will and who won't ship here! <G>

I have several pages made up of copies of my C&R, front and back of my LTC, and my drivers license. Some places will send ammo to you with enough copies of licenses. [lol] Some places just want as much documentation as possible because we live behind the iron curtain here in Massachusetts. And finally some places like AIM [evil] will not send anything here.
I keep a list of places that have my info on file and always request a mail order flyer or that they at least add my e mail to their mailing list. Lots of places just send e mail updates.
Thanks. It sounds like I'm on the right track here, although I didn't make copies of my driver's license. I also didn't include my email address, duh.

I'll start calling this week to see who has received what.
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