FNG and LTC Application Question

Aug 8, 2011
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Hey all,
New to the site and applying for my LTC in a red town and have what I am sure is two goofy questions, but would like some help.

1.) I'm 5'10", 240 lbs, and Caucasian, what would my build be described as? Fattie? Complexion?
2.) For a year, I went to college in CT, but never officially changed my residence, should I list that?

Thanks for taking the time to look at the post.
I was confused with the physical descriptors, so I left them blank for the interview. My PD is green though, and they filled them in for me - so not sure. As far as out of state school, no worries - I went to school in NY for 5 years and left it out. PD confirmed this was fine since I never changed my residence to NY.

Welcome and good luck!
I put down that I have brown hair, even though it's mostly gray. He left it as brown, but we had a good laugh over it.
I just thought of the evening news descriptions do you have a small medium or large build? Gotta think how will the teller at the bank describe you after you rob the joint! ;-)
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