FBI Shooting in Braintree

Aug 12, 2005
Franklin, MA
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Thought people might want to read about this one.


Compared to the Bellingham shooting 3 weeks ago, this guy was hit, inside his car. (only 3 shots) No details of the wounds though. The guy rammed the vehicle that the FBI was using for a long stakeout, and then the badguy reached for a gun. I will try to find out more, and see if I can learn about the ammo used.

This agent is a friend of mine, so I am confident that this was a good shoot. But the badguy's lawyer is already planning on sueing the FBI for shooting him. (Isn't the legal system in the US great??)
Words to live by!

And here are some more words to live by from the FBI, in another article.

"We don't give warning shots," FBI spokesman Gail Marcinkiewicz said.
I work up the hill from that extended stay. I heard about it from my co-workers. I happen to be working in DC that day.
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