Thought people might want to read about this one.
Compared to the Bellingham shooting 3 weeks ago, this guy was hit, inside his car. (only 3 shots) No details of the wounds though. The guy rammed the vehicle that the FBI was using for a long stakeout, and then the badguy reached for a gun. I will try to find out more, and see if I can learn about the ammo used.
This agent is a friend of mine, so I am confident that this was a good shoot. But the badguy's lawyer is already planning on sueing the FBI for shooting him. (Isn't the legal system in the US great??)
Compared to the Bellingham shooting 3 weeks ago, this guy was hit, inside his car. (only 3 shots) No details of the wounds though. The guy rammed the vehicle that the FBI was using for a long stakeout, and then the badguy reached for a gun. I will try to find out more, and see if I can learn about the ammo used.
This agent is a friend of mine, so I am confident that this was a good shoot. But the badguy's lawyer is already planning on sueing the FBI for shooting him. (Isn't the legal system in the US great??)