Exploitation at it's Worst!

Anyone notice the MORTAR in the background?

The one facing the OPPOSITE direction from the cannon? [shock]
"Don't you mean opposite the cannons?"

You guys must really be deprived. Looks like small arms munitions to me.... 8)
Scrivener said:
Anyone notice the MORTAR in the background?

The one facing the OPPOSITE direction from the cannon? [shock]
As a matter of fact, the seller has 2 mortars for sale on that same board. The mortar ads are like the cannon ad with different salespersons [roll]
Here is something fromt he same guy for Derek and friends. Might make a nice range vehicle!


R. Lee Ermey featured one of those on "Mail Call" yesterday.
Wouldn't mind getting a "Homeland Security" grant and buying up a few of them.
With all the money being cast into the wind for "other things" in the name of a secure homefront, it wouldn't be out of line to request some so I could ferry supplies around the coast the next time we have a Nor'easter that wiped out some of the homes built on the shoreline (for the fourth or fifth time)
If THAT's a 38, then I GOTTA be a 42! Gentlemen, your "eye" might be pointed in the correct direction, but your sense of measurement is WAY off.

No more than a 34. [roll]
Lynne said:
If THAT's a 38, then I GOTTA be a 42! Gentlemen, your "eye" might be pointed in the correct direction, but your sense of measurement is WAY off.

No more than a 34. [roll]

Nah, I'd guess more like a .32

[roll] [twisted]

Gentlemen, your "eye" might be pointed in the correct direction, but your sense of measurement is WAY off.

Isn't that true for all men? In all...measurements?
Lynne said:
If THAT's a 38, then I GOTTA be a 42! Gentlemen, your "eye" might be pointed in the correct direction, but your sense of measurement is WAY off.

No more than a 34. [roll]

I see the problem, we were measuring her using boy-inches.

Guys know how this measurement works, a scant five incher turns into a turgid eight-plus, an everyday six incher becomes an eye-poppin' ten...
I never thought this thread would get so out of hand! I hearby ask the mods to DELETE it ASAP!!!! [shock]

Just kidding!
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