Some folks just don't get it. Did anyone actually read the article? Then, ask yourselves why the article was even written? The implications are far beyond simply Chinesse v. American military capabilities. Which, mind you, would never happen as a contained conflict - conventional, or otherwise. Do you even wonder why such Asian nations conducted such an assesment?
Ever wonder why the citizens of so many other nations resent the U.S.? Which nations are they and what is it that they resent?
Has anyone looked at a world map lately?
Why is it so difficult for so many of our citizens to associate different pieces and realize they are part of the same puzzle (including so many of our intel ex-spurts)? People will not look past the end of their noses because they don't like what they see. It's time for folks to get their collective heads out of the sand (or where ever else their heads are stuck) and comprehend reality.
Why are people questioning, and critisizing, the strategy of our current war when they haven't a clue what that strategy even is? I'll guarantee you it's more than just fighting terrorism and freeing a nation. Those just happen to be a 'perk'. Now, you may not be happy with the need for what we are currently engaged in but you can bet your bellybutton ring it is still a need!
If we bring the troops home, solely worry about ourselves and everyone will leave us alone, right? HELLO, McFly? Anyone in their? Our nation has been being attacked by terrorists (backed by many of these nations) for over two and half decades with little to no response! These nations have seen the erosions of the very rights that have kept our nation free of invasion by a foriegn military since the end of the War of 1812. They've watched as our citizens have grown soft and apathetic to the security of our nation and its interests. They are carefully watching right now to see just how much 'stomach' we have to fulfill our mission and just how much we will allow a petty thing like national security interupt our kids soccer season.
America has become a soft target and the world knows it! It is ripe and it's ready to be picked. I truly fear for the continued sovereignty of our nation due to the increasing ignorance of its population.
Read my sig line. Chesty was not a bullshitter. He was a visionary that realized long ago the path our nation was / is on.