Disabled Iraq War vet and wife mugged


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Jul 30, 2005
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Disabled Iraq War vet and wife mugged

Thugs accost couple from Elma in Maryland on Marine's night out from military hospital

News Staff Reporter

Mark Beyers lost an arm and a leg to a roadside bomber in Iraq, but that didn't stop a gang of thugs from mugging Beyers and his wife outside a Bethesda, Md., restaurant.

Beyers, 27, a Marine lance corporal from Elma finishing up rehabilitation at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., had just left a restaurant on July 22 when the robbery happened.

"Five guys approached us," his wife, Denise, said in a telephone interview from Washington. "They were asking for a cigarette, we gave them one, and headed toward our car."

Beyers, fitted with a prosthetic leg and arm, was almost to the car with his wife when the men approached again.

"Two of them came up to me and said "Give me your purse, give me your purse,' " his wife said.

Denise Beyers, who was just discharged from the Marines herself last week, wasn't about to give up without a fight.

"I was swearing at them, retaliating, and holding on to my purse," she said. "They ended up getting it away from me; they threw me on the ground."

Dave Beyers Sr., Mark's father, said his son told him the group knocked him to the ground, and then punched or kicked his wife.

"They busted her lips up," Dave Beyers said. "I guess she hit the ground so hard, it ripped her knees up. She's got scabs all over."

"She got beat up pretty good," he said. "I talked to her the next day, and she was still shaking, you could tell."

Mark Beyers escaped the ordeal without injury. The couple reported the robbery to the police, but no arrests have been made.

He was the second local Iraqi War veteran to get mugged in recent months. Jodene M. Penalvert, 22, an Army National Guard member, was stabbed in May by a man trying to steal her car on Amherst Street.

There was a reason Denise Beyers fought so hard to keep her purse. Her mother had just wired her $500, and this was the couple's first night away from the hospital in three weeks.

"So I took him out to dinner, and then these guys stole the rest of our money from us," she said. "It was traumatic, it really was."

Dave Beyers said an already scheduled fundraiser for his son on Aug. 12 now has a little added reason for taking place.

The event, set to begin at 2 p.m. at the Akron VFW Post, is expected to draw about 1,000 people for a day of music and fund-raising auctions. At least 100 of Beyers' fellow Marines are also expected from the Buffalo-based India Company, Third Battalion, 25th Regiment.

The crowd estimate will probably turn out to be on the low side. When Mark Beyers returned home for the first time last Oct. 30, people were lined up three and four deep along Main Street in Alden as his hometown turned out for a parade in his honor.

Beyers, one of three injured Iraqi veterans introduced at center ice in HSBC Arena for the May 26 Buffalo Sabres playoff game with the Carolina Hurricanes, expects to return home from the hospital for good this weekend.

Link to story: http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20060803/1018682.asp

e-mail: [email protected]
Good thing they didn't have a gun! Thank god for Md Gun Laws.

Of course the gun grabbers don't seem to mention is that THIS is the demographic that has the most to gain from gun ownership. Women and the disabled.

They resisted (pretty hard to "Just Run Away" when you're missing a leg[frown] ) and they were still robbed, and beaten.

Just sad. But also gets my blood boiling first thing in the morning. [angry]

-Weer'd Beard
Years ago, I grew up in Bethesda, Maryland. This is where the National Naval Medical Center is located, and Walter Reed Army Hospital isn't too far away.

Damn shame that some lowlife punks should take advantage of this fine couple.
This will get your blood boiling...


Double Amputee Marine Mugged Outside Restaurant

POSTED: 1:22 pm EDT August 3, 2006
UPDATED: 1:28 pm EDT August 3, 2006

BUFFALO, N.Y. -- An Iraq war veteran who lost an arm and leg in a roadside bombing was mugged during a night out from the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, according to an Associated Press report.

Lance Cpl. Mark Beyers, 27, and his wife were attacked and robbed as they left a restaurant in Bethesda, Md. on July 22

The Marine from western New York was dining out while finishing up rehabilitation at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

As they left the restaurant, five men approached them and asked for a cigarette.

Denise Beyers told The Buffalo News they gave the men a cigarette -- but then the men grabbed her purse, kicked her and knocked the couple to the ground.

The thieves made off with $500 just wired to them by a relative.

Mark Beyers expects to be back home in the Buffalo area this weekend.

His family is planning a fundraiser for him on Aug. 12.

What's happening that we're mugging war vets and amputees? [angry]
this is a dupe from the Member's forum, but I think a story of this nature should be here in the open thread.

And from that thread:
Good thing they didn't have a gun! Thank god for Md Gun Laws.

Of course the gun grabbers don't seem to mention is that THIS is the demographic that has the most to gain from gun ownership. Women and the disabled.

They resisted (pretty hard to "Just Run Away" when you're missing a leg[frown] ) and they were still robbed, and beaten.

Just sad. But also gets my blood boiling first thing in the morning. [angry]

-Weer'd Beard
C-pher said:
What's happening that we're mugging war vets and amputees? [angry]

To call them animals would be a compliment. These scumballs are the dreges of society who couldn't care less about who they mug, hurt or kill. They have no morals or conscious. They should be shot. My heart aches for that young man. It's bad enough that he's a man who couldn't stop his wife from being kicked, but can you imagine being a Marine and not being able to do anything about it? What would that do to you?
Mod Hat On!

I merged the two threads into one in GD and left the more descriptive title.

This sort of story should not be "private" for paying members only. Everyone should know about such despicable behavior!
It is no surprise is shit happens in these anti self protection cities like Boston Chicago to name a few. These low lifes can get away with it because they KNOW lawful people are not armed. What do you expect from people in DC who elect a former crack dealer and user Mayor.
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