sitting down?

JuergenG said:
derek said:
Can't we just ship all of them to France? I'm so sick of these pacifist pussies. :x
No way, that would bring 'em into my neighborhood and we've got our share already.

Mrs.WW's suggestion has a point [evil]

We'll take you over here Juergen. [wink]
Anytime, but my place would be a little bit north of you; say somewhere between Salem/Atkinson and the NH seacoast.
Pelham has a nice range and Kittery is pretty close, love that place.
My suggestion does have some redeeming qualities. [twisted] I'm sure we can come up with some really nice 3rd world dungholes to drop them off in too. [lol]
JuergenG said:
derek said:
Can't we just ship all of them to France? I'm so sick of these pacifist pussies. :x
No way, that would bring 'em into my neighborhood and we've got our share already.

Mrs.WW's suggestion has a point [evil]

Come on JuergenG take one for the team.....Shit take'm all [lol]
How about putting them on a small cruise ship and book 'em a trip up and down the coast of Somalia for starters ?
Well, PETA may cry 'cause that would be cruel for the sharks [twisted]
but who cares...
PETA = People Eat Tasty Animals :P
I think what the Republicans did was BRILLIANT. The Dem's in the Senate have been spouting off about Iraq, just to be against Bush. So, the Republicans called them out, in the ONLY way that they can't spin. Sure, the Media has been trying, but who's believing it?

And certain Liberal Demeocrat Senators have gone on record AGAIN for the war, and made themselves look like fools.
Pilgrim said:
The put up or shutup vote sure didn't get much press. I'm really surprised. [roll]

It made NBC News, among others. Teddy is making sure it doesn't go away quietly, since he's blustering bout being set-up. EXACTLY the intent, Teddy, you Moron.
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