"Democrats want to take your guns because Democrats want the freedom to hurt you if you don't comply”

Joe actually does have a medical condition…I know we’re all making fun of him for the stupid shit he is saying. But he actually is sick which is less funny.
Yeah but he has always been a vile, mean, racist, corrupt sack of shit which spent the last few years engaging in treason for personal profit so he deserves a protracted and unpleasant demise before taking the express elevator to Hell.

Problem is we have his rotten corpse as a marionette for some equally shitty people trying to reduce American civilization to rubble for their own personal benefit.

It doesn't take long to find video of Trump babbling nonsense just as badly. The only difference is that I think Trump knew he was doing it, intentionally, and Biden is seriously non compos mentis.
Trump has always spoken in a circular meandering manner which has gotten worse as he's gotten older. Herman Cain was the same way, only with the added eccentricity of referring to himself in the third person which is something I guess Custer and Davey Crockett also used to do.
Creepy Joe is definitely a racist and a molester….Sounds like I got a message from Q here but honestly Id make a better president Than he ever would, but I’d never want the job…

Trump was the closest thing we had is somebody trying to help us
My dad passed away a couple of years back from Alzheimer’s.
Biden speaks and acts pretty much like Dad did as the disease progressed.

Joe actually does have a medical condition…I know we’re all making fun of him for the stupid shit he is saying. But he actually is sick which is less funny.

Well...I don’t see how what I said could be construed as funny or making fun of him.

I just think it’s remarkable that a man who probably has a brain condition associated with his advanced age is in the position he is in.
I just think it’s remarkable that a man who probably has a brain condition associated with his advanced age is in the position he is in.
Shows you the level of corruption in our government and media that they rub it in the face of the public and expect to get away with it indefinitely.
Joe actually does have a medical condition…I know we’re all making fun of him for the stupid shit he is saying. But he actually is sick which is less funny.

Then why is he occupying a demanding position that requires somewhat accute cognitive abilities when he has none?

He is the laughing stock of the entire world and by proxy, so is the rest of this county.

His lust for power and control over other people's lives has only increased over the last couple of decades. He is an arrogant, loud mouthed bully and always has been. Watching him in senate meetings years ago, I always felt like putting my foot through the tv screen.

I will not mourn his passing.
Well...I don’t see how what I said could be construed as funny or making fun of him.

I just think it’s remarkable that a man who probably has a brain condition associated with his advanced age is in the position he is in.

I wasn’t specifically saying you were making fun of them. I do it all the time.
Creepy Joe is definitely a racist and a molester….Sounds like I got a message from Q here but honestly Id make a better president Than he ever would, but I’d never want the job…

Trump was the closest thing we had is somebody trying to help us
We don't even need Q for that one.
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