Democrats in power


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NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
See what happens when democrats have the majority?

170 Pistols and Revolvers; License to Carry. Amend RSA 159:6, I to read as follows:

I. The selectmen of a town or the mayor or chief of police of a city or some full-time police officer designated by them respectively, upon application of any resident of such town or city, or the director of state police, or some person designated by such director, upon application of a nonresident, shall issue a license to such applicant authorizing the applicant to carry a loaded pistol or revolver in this state for not less than 4 years from the date of issue, if it appears that the applicant has good reason to fear injury to the applicant’s person or property or has any proper purpose, and that the applicant is a suitable person to be licensed. Hunting, target shooting, or self-defense shall be considered a proper purpose. The license shall be valid for all allowable purposes regardless of the purpose for which it was originally issued. The license shall be in duplicate and shall bear the name, address, description, and signature of the licensee. The original shall be delivered to the licensee and the duplicate shall be preserved by the people issuing the same for 4 years. When required, license renewal shall take place within the month of the fourth anniversary of the license holder’s date of birth following the date of issuance. The license shall be issued within 14 days after application, and, if such application is denied, the reason for such denial shall be stated in writing, the original of which such writing shall be delivered to the applicant, and a copy kept in the office of the person to whom the application was made. The fee for licenses issued to residents of the state shall be $10, which fee shall be for the use of the law enforcement department of the town or city granting said licenses; the fee for licenses granted to out-of-state residents shall be [STRIKE][$20] [/STRIKE]$100, which fee shall be for the use of the state. The director of state police is hereby authorized and directed to prepare forms for the licenses required under this chapter and forms for the application for such licenses and to supply the same to officials of the cities and towns authorized to issue the licenses. No other forms shall be used by officials of cities and towns. The cost of the forms shall be paid out of the fees received from nonresident licenses.
D: Tax and spend
R: Cut tax but spend just as much

We need a new political party that cuts both. R's in NH might be a good breed but they're a lost bunch at national level.
FYI there is a lot of national dem money and talent(political consultants) flowing into VT these days I wouldn't be surprised if NH is suffering the same.
Why do you think they started there??? Do you think they will stop there???

Of course he does. Then, when they put different restrictions on out of state licensees, he'll say "At least they are screwing with out of staters". Then when the raise the license fee for NH residents and decide to make the in state regulations "consistent" with out of state regulations, he'll say "Oh crap, why doesn't someone do something about this?"

Remember the best way to boil a frog.
Someone might want to suggest that an alternative to licenced concealed carry in NH, is unlicensed Open Carry.

How would NH feel if people from MA stop at the side of I-93 and Rt-3 going north; take out their gun; and buckle on their open carry holster?

It'd be right accros the highway from where all the motorcyclers stop while going south to don their helmets.

States that constitutionally protect open carry, ought not make it hard or expensive to conceal carry -- unless the people who don't like guns want to actually see them much more often.
At least the state is screwing out of staters instead of us on this one.

FWIW I think they would have tweaked that up too, but if you note the law, local fees stay with the cities and towns producing the resident licenses. Increasing the fee there would not add any money to the mothership's coffers. They'd have to modify the law in such a way as to screw the cities/towns out of revenue, and that'd go over like a lead balloon in NH politics. Not to mention it would piss off a lot of NH residents, causing the bill to get shot down easier. This is how antis make inroads- change things first that most will not care about, and chip away, little by little.....

Someone might want to suggest that an alternative to licenced concealed carry in NH, is unlicensed Open Carry.

How would NH feel if people from MA stop at the side of I-93 and Rt-3 going north; take out their gun; and buckle on their open carry holster?

It'd be right accros the highway from where all the motorcyclers stop while going south to don their helmets.

States that constitutionally protect open carry, ought not make it hard or expensive to conceal carry -- unless the people who don't like guns want to actually see them much more often.

I don't believe open carry is allowed in a car. IE, it is no longer open but I could be wrong about that. I got the permit so I never had to worry about it.
I have said it a million time before, MA and other liberal sh&t holes are the testing ground and breeding ground for these things. If they take hold here the commies will spread them, we can only hope they don't go federal. At least you guys in NH still have people who care and can defeat this stuff.

I just clicked the link, and the first thing I saw was a 117-item laundry list of bureaucratic tax and spend bullshit.

There's no f***ing way anyone can know what enacting every item in that bill will mean. Looks to me like the "Complete Left-Wing Overhaul to NH State Government Act of 2009".

Lots of new funds, appropriations, commissions, and handouts.

No f***ing way this goes anywhere while I'm drawing breath.

The Office of Legislative Budget Assistant states this bill will have an indeterminable fiscal impact on state, county, and local revenue and expenditures in FY 2009 and each fiscal year thereafter.

Translated: No one knows what the hell we're doing here.

Which, of course, is bullshit.

Someone knows.

Someone knows damn well what they're doing.

And, the odds of it being something good are right up there with the odds of me crapping gold bricks to pay for my kids' college education.
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