
Effectively the legislature is on vacation until probably mid-September. They file these kind of bills every 2 years, then they wait until there is a shooting/mass murder somewhere and then they try to ram-rod these bills thru to passage.

That's the way the system works, so that is why we always have to be vigilant.

The proposed ban contains no grandfathering for posession of 50MBG firearms, rifles or ammunition.

This would raise some interesting issues relative to compenstation, and that complication could actually make this harder to pass. The state once banned legal guns without grandfathering, but the number of people who knew that the old LTC covered sawed off and short barrel shotguns (which still required federal paperwork) was small to non-existant so no one seemed to notice.
Proposed Ban would make such guns illegal. PERIOD

No Grandfather, no compensation, no turn-in program, nothing.

I guess when the law goes into action, they just expect local law enforcement to look up who owns .50 cal guns and start planning raids to round up all those people they just declared ciminals.

Oh and the rounds themselves would also be contraband. Says nothing about 'LIVE' ammunition, only 'ammunition' which today means any component. Don't know about the rest of you, but I have several .50 cartridges that I've made into dummies for training purposes as large items make better show and tell in the classroom (I've actually picked up a .40 mm dummy for that purpose as well)
Totally banned, no compensation, no grandfathering. Highly unconstitutional, to say the least.

I've considered a 50 BMG rifle, but due to the current legal climate, I doubt I ever will. Now a 338 Lapua Mag, maybe. Check the statistics on it, and you'll understand.
Unconstitutional? Haven't we got past silly concerns such as that? How much compensation was paid to owners of formerly legal supplies of opium, cocaine, marijuana or other drugs when they were declared illegal? That's right, zero.

Once upon a time, people recognized that the Constitutional imposed some limits on their ability to use the power of government in an attempt to remold the world to their liking. Drugs, machine guns, short-barrel shotguns were all legal, and there's no authority to change that, so just impose a tax. After a few years, everybody accepts that the real porpose of the tax was to effectively outlaw them, so constitutional authority be damned, just outlaw them.

You want compensation? I got your compensation right here.

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