Deadmeat2 on bullet effectiveness

The lesson I take from that thread is that you can compile anecdotes in both directions on virtually every caliber, and that when all is said and done, the speed with which the bad guy goes down is due to a bunch of factors, many not under the shooter's control.

For instance, I once saw a dude take 6 or 7 hits, all torso though not all in the 10 ring, from a .40. For the first couple, he was still waving his pistol around (though he did not fire) and after the last one he just sort of slowly and calmly (or so it appeared) sat down on the grass. Once he was disarmed, EMS moved forward and packaged him, and so far as I know, he survived.

Intuitively, I believe it is true that one or two well-placed shots will be more effective at stopping the action than a full mag of spray-and-pray.
RKG said:
Intuitively, I believe it is true that one or two well-placed shots will be more effective at stopping the action than a full mag of spray-and-pray.

+1 Shot placement is the key to survival.
i'm gonna have to say that most of what deadmeat2 says makes sense...and also gives validity to one of the marine corps rules for gunfighting..."Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with a ".4" "
mAss Backwards said:
To paraphrase something I read earlier today...

Q: How do you double the effectiveness of any handgun round?

A: Put the second shot in the same hole as the first.

Much more effective to offset it several inches, as long as it's still in a vital area. You can only destroy tissue once.

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