Danvers Fish and Game

Mar 28, 2005
Here and There
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I emailed Danvers F & G. They said come on down if I'd like to check it out. I'm planning on doing so this weekend. Is anyone a member, or planning on being there?
I know a few folks who are members there and they like it. I think one of them told me they have over 1,000 members, but that's all I know about it.
Almost joined until I heard their range times indoors and out are 9-3, and closed on Saturdays during the summer, with 9-3 on Sundays too. Guess when most people work? [roll] It's close to my home but why the Hell join a club I can't use AFTER work?
I belong to DF&G. The range hours posted are sort of suggestions. I find them open whenever I show up. They do close kind of early during the week.

There are 1500 members , i had to get 2 members to vouch for me to join , I don't think you can just walk in

Outdoor 100 yard rifle , outdoor pistol , indoor pistol , Big outdoor archery range with "stands" , indoor archery , a blackpowder scene I don't know about , a woods course for archery , trap & skeet ranges , plate shooting , stocked fish pond. Various classes - like fly tying, etc.

Lots of older retired men , Lots of blue collar "younger" guys like me ( 41) haven't seen one woman there yet , very friendly bunch of people. I don't think there's a Democrat in the bunch.

I joined because a member invited me to a new member recruiting night , and it is closest to my house.
I am sure there will be scheduling issues that bother me but haven't run into any yet ....
I guess I would have been the first woman to join if they allowed me to make it there after work. I joined the Lawrence Rod and Gun. Only thing I hate is the indoor range: can't shoot up close, no full metal jackets.... [cry]
I understand the Mass Rifle Association has a keycard system and 24 hour access to the indoor range.
never been there ...

I mostly shoot on Sunday Mornings , haven't gotten into reloading yet so once a week is enough , I guess , sort of , ... But I just today bought a SigP220 .45 Time to learn about reloading I guess.

Martlet , I PM'd you about visiting DF&G.
fubar said:
There are 1500 members , i had to get 2 members to vouch for me to join , I don't think you can just walk in.

Outdoor 100 yard rifle , outdoor pistol , indoor pistol , Big outdoor archery range with "stands" , indoor archery , a blackpowder scene I don't know about , a woods course for archery , trap & skeet ranges , plate shooting , stocked fish pond. Various classes - like fly tying, etc.

Lots of older retired men , Lots of blue collar "younger" guys like me ( 41) haven't seen one woman there yet , very friendly bunch of people. I don't think there's a Democrat in the bunch.

You've just described the Southborough Rod & Gun club , except they have 800 members and a 200 m outdoor range. Democrats are an endangered species at these places. Plus, I think there's a little beer drinking going on. [oops] :)
DF&G has a seperate committee for each range , so they can pretty much do what they want , some are paid and some are volunteer range officers. The Outdoor rifle /pistol range is going to open tuesday after hours into the evening on Tues , Plate shooting Wednesday nights.
Danvers also has a great Game Supper each January; I have a friend who invites me each year. Not being a hunter yet (although I'm hoping to remedy that this year), I appreciate the opportunity for some Boo-boo Stew and Roast Bambi. One year they had elk chops... I don't think I've ever tasted ANYTHING that good before or since.

My Masonic Lodge has a Venison collation each year at the March meeting. Seems that one of our Past Masters has a son who works for Mass Fish & Wildlife and gets to get some of the poached (and confiscated) venison from him. He makes up a nice big pot for the Lodge, so I do get Bambi stew once a year.

dwarven1 said:
Danvers also has a great Game Supper each January; I have a friend who invites me each year. Not being a hunter yet (although I'm hoping to remedy that this year), I appreciate the opportunity for some Boo-boo Stew and Roast Bambi. One year they had elk chops... I don't think I've ever tasted ANYTHING that good before or since.

My Masonic Lodge has a Venison collation each year at the March meeting. Seems that one of our Past Masters has a son who works for Mass Fish & Wildlife and gets to get some of the poached (and confiscated) venison from him. He makes up a nice big pot for the Lodge, so I do get Bambi stew once a year.


What Lodge?
Martlet said:
What Lodge?

United Brethren Lodge, Marlboro, MA - our meetings are the first Wednesday of the month at Freemason's Hall on Main St in Marlboro. Times vary, so you're best off checking out our new (and not yet up and running) website http://unitedbrethrenlodge.org/. I'm assured by our RW Webmaster that it will have content Real Soon Now.

Wor. Ross,
United Brethren Lodge, Marlboro, MA
Secretary and PM,
Franklin Lodge, Grafton, MA
My youngest brother is a fire captain with California Department of Forestry. A few years back he had a rural station that had the only walk-in freezer in the vecinity. (Neither of us have the slightest idea how that came about.) As a result the game wardens would drop in all the confiscated deer and black bear, as well as the occasional sheep or elk, that they'd confiscated from illegal hunters. At one point they had about 600 pounds of meat in the freezer, even after significant portions of the best stuff had mysteriously vanished at the end of shift. [wink]

KMaurer said:
My youngest brother is a fire captain with California Department of Forestry. A few years back he had a rural station that had the only walk-in freezer in the vecinity. (Neither of us have the slightest idea how that came about.) As a result the game wardens would drop in all the confiscated deer and black bear, as well as the occasional sheep or elk, that they'd confiscated from illegal hunters. At one point they had about 600 pounds of meat in the freezer, even after significant portions of the best stuff had mysteriously vanished at the end of shift. [wink]


"Hmm... It seems as if all the deer are missing their tenderloins. That is very weird, very weird indeed."
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