Crossing America


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
From over at The Other Side of Kim comes this one:

Kim du Toit
April 27, 2006
9:24 AM​

A large number of people have asked me to do this little survey again. If you want, you can look at the results of the first one, but I think you’d be doing yourself a disservice. Rather, approach this as though for the first time (if you participated in the last one), and with an open mind if this is your first.

Here we go.

The Challenge:

You have the opportunity to go back in time, arriving on the east coast of North America circa 1650, and your goal is to cross the North American continent alone, taking as much time as you need. When/if you reach the opposite coastline, you’ll be transported back to the present day.

Your equipment for this journey will be as follows (taken back in the time capsule with you):

-- enough gold to buy provisions for the first five days’ travel;
-- a small backpack containing some clothing and toiletries;
-- a winter coat, raincoat and two pairs of boots;
-- waterproof sleeping bag;
-- an axe;
-- a box of 1,000 “strike anywhere” waterproof matches;
-- a topological map, binoculars and a compass;
-- a very small toolbox, including a firearm cleaning kit and a few spares for your firearms;
-- and a U.S. Army First Aid kit.


-- ONE long gun (and 800 rounds, but no scope)
-- ONE handgun (and 1,000 rounds)
-- TWO knives
plus of course holsters/scabbards for them all.

Once you arrive at the starting-point, which can be on either coast, you’ll be given a horse, a mule and a dog—and apart from that, you’re on your own. Remember: you’ll be traveling through deep woods, open prairie, desert and mountains. You may encounter hostile Indian tribes and dangerous animals en route, which should be considered when you answer the following questions (and only these):

1. What long gun would you take back in time with you?
2. What handgun?
3. Which knives?

There are only a couple of rules.

1. Multi-caliber long guns are okay (drillings, combos, etc), but you’ll still only be allowed 800 rounds in total for that firearm. The mix is up to you.
2. Email your response to kim -at- kimdutoit dot com; subject: Crossing America II.
3. Try to keep your responses short.

Have fun.
I don't really know enough about rifles yet to have an opinion on #1 (the only rifles I have are my Garand and my 10/22!), but for handguns, I think my 6" Model 686P (.357 Magnum 7 shot revolver) would be the handgun of choice - nice and versatile, with enough firepower to discourage most critters and add to the stewpot.

Knives? My Super Leatherman would be one, I think, and a custom knife I own (that I call Beast - it's serial # is 666!) would be the other.

My first thought was that I'd bring an AR-15 as the rifle. But is .223 going to be big enough to do any damage from a distance? If I've only got 800 rounds then I'm not going to want to waste them. So I'd probably have to go for something big, like a nice bolt action in 30-06.

And I'll agree with you on the 686. Except the one I own is a 4", I'd rather have a 6" to help with longer range shots. The key with me is that I'd rather avoid trouble and keep distance.

Knives, I'd bring a Leatherman and maybe a machete.

And though I love him, the dog better not be my dog, because it would be a much more difficult journey having to carry my blind cocker spaniel with me everywhere I went... [laugh]
oh- and I should add that I SUCK with a shotgun. So that's why I'm going for a rifle. But then again, it'd take a really long time to walk across the country, so maybe it would give me time to learn.

So in that case, I'd probably be better off with a decent semi-auto 12g. Hmm[thinking]
Styer Scout in .308 Reported to be one of the finest bolt guns ever. The optics would be a weak point, but with the reserve iron sights, it's not that bad. Synthetic stock for durability, and magazine fed for quick reloads. Also has the Ching Sling which is one of the easist carry/shoot sling setup.

Handgun would have to be a .44 Magnum. Mild enough to shoot one handed, but heavy enough to hunt. Probably in a 5" barrel. Short enough to carry comfortably, but long enough to have a decent range.

Knife? Hmmm. Would never take a folder, not strong enough. Probably my CRKT Polkowski Kasper. 2783 stainless, strong, hold an edge, and designed to be both a large and fine work knife. And while it doesn't say, I'm packing a DMT diamond sharpener too.
I'd go a little differently and opt for a Smith & Wesson model 629, 6" barrel and get a Henry Big Boy lever action rifle to go with it. That way I've got 1800 rounds of .44 Magnum goodness - if either weapon breaks, the ammo is not useless.

A .44 Magnum round out of a 24" barrel ought to take care of most mid-size out to 150 yards, and either weapon could shoot snakeshot for smaller game or pest control (snakes, etc).

Knife? I'm a sucker for the Ka-Bar. Good enough for our nation's finest, good enough for me.

I'd never do this, BTW - I'm allergic to pretty much all animals, so I'd need to go it all by myself. Unless the time capsule is going to include a 4-wheeler and enough gas to make it across the country, count me out...
Jay G said:
I'd go a little differently and opt for a Smith & Wesson model 629, 6" barrel and get a Henry Big Boy lever action rifle to go with it. That way I've got 1800 rounds of .44 Magnum goodness - if either weapon breaks, the ammo is not useless.

This is 1650, remember... Best take some grease for the barrel of that .44 so it don't hurt so bad when Old Ep (grizzly bear) shoves it up your disposition. [smile]
Cross-X said:
I'm surprised no one has selected blackpowder firearms. If you had a BP gun, you might be able to trade for the ammo components you need should you ever run out.

Trade with WHO? In 1650, Euro civilization was a VERY thin slice along the east coast, plus the Spaniards (Probably very unfriendly to non-Spaniards, non-Catholics) on the west. Once you got more than 100 miles from either coast, I doubt you would find anyone to trade with.

I'd start on the East coast - that "enough gold to buy 5 days worth of provisions" thing - and aim for the WA/OR coast, bypassing Spanish America entirely.

For a rifle, I'd go with a Springfield Armory M1A. With the right ammo/bullets, should be enough gun even for a grizzly, and if I HAD to fight with Indians, I would want the twenty shot magazines.

Pistol is more problematical.

My first inclination is to say a 44 mag or 454 Casull revolver, or a 1911 in 45 Super or 10 mm, for the obvious reasons.

But the reality is that you are going to have to feed yourself by hunting all the way across, and you are more likely to run across lots of small game than big, I'm thinking. So a good target grade 22? Or maybe a target grade 38 revolver, which might do double duty as a defense pistol?

Knives? Give me a good Randall anytime.

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