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Could anyone recommend an M1 carbine smith?

First step . . .

Local club, find someone ex-military and ask them to take a look at it.

Most anyone who was ex-military and had to learn to field strip/shoot an M1 Carbine should be able to at least point you in the right direction as to what's wrong.

Second step . . .

Take a look for M1 Carbine forum/website they probably will have the military field manuals or a pointer to them. Very useful in T/S the gun.

You may not need a gunsmith to fix the problem, whatever it is.

Third step . . .

If you really need to pay someone to fix it, head up to Four Seasons. See Tom and have him take a look at it.
Thanks hadn't thought about the club

I'll do that. I actually bought as a consignment piece from Four Seasons last week. Since it's consignment do you think they'll help out without it costing me a bunch? I'd call them myself but they are closed. Also I did post on a couple of other sites. Everyone is very helpful, but as I am not a mechanic the solutions presented are kind of Greek to me.

Appreciate it!
If you bought it from FS, bring it back there. I am certain that they will look it over and make it right for you. They build their reputation on that type of service!

Yes, I bought my CAR-15 preban from them (consignment piece), had a few problems and they fixed them at no charge to me.
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