Civil War Era "Crime Gun" Confiscated

May 19, 2005
Brentwood, NH
Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0
From the Boston Herald:

Cops: Downtown shop selling more than frames

Boston police raided a Bromfield Street business that allegedly has doubled as a drug den catering to the cocaine needs of the downtown business crowd for at least a decade, recovering a cache of weapons and large quantities of narcotics, the Herald has learned.


A search warrant at the frame shop, which Ambers also gave as his residential address, led to the seizure of three loaded illegal firearms and a stash of ammunition; 15 paper folds and two glass jars filled with more than an ounce of cocaine; and nine plastic bags bearing three pounds of marijuana, according to the BPD report.


Well, that bust will put a dent in all those cap & ball pistol shootings we've been seeing lately.

Here's the blow-up.

ohh fun, but how can the cap and ball be illegal? darn those news reports!

on the other hand, it's good they got the drugs and other two gun's off the streets... there goes a $400.00 Target card!
jwilson said:
The only problem with the cap and ball is when you hold it sideways like in DA
hodz, you balls mayS fall out!!

Ya wasn't paying attention when Bill was shooting my RemingBerti, was ya? Didn't see any balls fall out then, did you? [wink]
nope, got a nephew back from overseas, we are having a BBQ for him.. poor kid found out the hard way what a bullet feels like to the arm during a patrol in the mountains, good part is he is ok, and since he covered a translator during the fire fight, he earned his 22 year old ass a purple heart =) He is on leave right now for a week and goes back overseas next week.
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