Shall issue is not only a two edged sword, it has broken glass for a pommel. I’ve heard and read from people that TX, VA and other states that have shall issue are so much better than MA. This isn’t true, yes it can be a pain to get a LTC in MA, we may not be able to purchase ammo online or get certain firearms in state, but look at where you can carry with an unrestricted LTC in MA. Now compare that with other states with “shall issue.”
If one was to push for shall issue in this state it is conceivable that the only thing that you could carry is the LTC. The socialists in this state would push to put mundane places off limits such as: any store that sells alcohol, churches, banks/ atms, restaurants, any store that puts up a “30.06” sign such as the ones in OH and TX, or even just a blanket ban on places where people may congregate. Careful what you wish for.
As far as republicans in state office, there are more democrats in office that are on our side, mostly due to the population that hunts in this state.