Okay, after studying packing.org and other sites and other sources I cannot seem to find the answer that I am looking for.
If you have a LTC A from Mass, then it is clear which states you can carry concealed in. Or if I have a non-resident UT CCW permit, again this is clear.
And with the Federal laws concerning peacable journey it is clear (somewhat, but I carry a copy of this law in my car) that I can drive through one state as long as the start and end of my trips are in states I am legal in. But if I stop overnight in another state, the law gets a bit cloudy.
Now the question----
How about NOT carrying concealed? What if I go to another state and keep my unloaded handgun in a locked case in the trunk? I am not CCW.
But I do know that some states allow "unloaded in the trunk" and some do not. For example in my second home in Wash DC, it is absolutely forbidden to even have a firearm in the District at any time. I know that IL, NJ and NYC also have some strict laws, that could cause problems for a "locked case in the trunk." Even "peacable journey" has been difficult to use in DC, if you are caught.
A current example- I am going to the LFI course in NH next month. My Mass LTC A is useless in NH. But, do I assume that "unloaded, locked case in the trunk" is legal for a non-resident.
I guess I am asking where do I find a list of the state laws for this, just as
packing.org has done (very, very well) for the CCW question????
And to help, I ask that no one give me the "simple" answer and tell me to just get the non-resident LTC from NH. I travel to all 50 states on a regular basis, so this is not practicle. And, yes, I will be getting my Utah non-resident permit after my Utah course, so I will have the CCW question covered for 26 states.
But again, my question is for NON-CCW in other states with my legal Mass handguns.
Anyone know of such a list? I am hoping that the list for "Illegal to carry at all" is very short.
Thanks in advance.
If you have a LTC A from Mass, then it is clear which states you can carry concealed in. Or if I have a non-resident UT CCW permit, again this is clear.
And with the Federal laws concerning peacable journey it is clear (somewhat, but I carry a copy of this law in my car) that I can drive through one state as long as the start and end of my trips are in states I am legal in. But if I stop overnight in another state, the law gets a bit cloudy.
Now the question----
How about NOT carrying concealed? What if I go to another state and keep my unloaded handgun in a locked case in the trunk? I am not CCW.
But I do know that some states allow "unloaded in the trunk" and some do not. For example in my second home in Wash DC, it is absolutely forbidden to even have a firearm in the District at any time. I know that IL, NJ and NYC also have some strict laws, that could cause problems for a "locked case in the trunk." Even "peacable journey" has been difficult to use in DC, if you are caught.
A current example- I am going to the LFI course in NH next month. My Mass LTC A is useless in NH. But, do I assume that "unloaded, locked case in the trunk" is legal for a non-resident.
I guess I am asking where do I find a list of the state laws for this, just as
packing.org has done (very, very well) for the CCW question????
And to help, I ask that no one give me the "simple" answer and tell me to just get the non-resident LTC from NH. I travel to all 50 states on a regular basis, so this is not practicle. And, yes, I will be getting my Utah non-resident permit after my Utah course, so I will have the CCW question covered for 26 states.
But again, my question is for NON-CCW in other states with my legal Mass handguns.
Anyone know of such a list? I am hoping that the list for "Illegal to carry at all" is very short.
Thanks in advance.