Car Thief Caught After Chase, Had Drugs And Glock Switches

The Lodge in Foxboro has turned into a shithole just like any other large scale so called "luxury" apartment complex. It was once a nice place where younger doctors and some Patriot's players lived.
There are two hotels on Foxboro Blvd. that have seen their share of problems also. And then there is the top notch Red Roof Inn across the way where one can find an occasional OD or maybe two, drug dealers getting busted, and the always pleasant alcohol or drug fueled domestic violence situations. This is what happens when you allow the homeless or Section 8 crew to move in to local motels / hotels / and apartment building complexes. The entire stretch of Rte 1 from Pawtucket to Boston and secondary routes off of it are filled with the state's finest. I think the only hotels that are immune to the problem are the ones located directly on Krafty Bob's Patriot Place property.
This weekend was a busy time for the locals. A bomb threat called in from England for one of the hotels on Foxboro Blvd., the incident above that Zappa posted, and another type of incident on Monday night that I wasn't able to get info. about.
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