Caption fun 09-16-2005


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
Now come opver here and place your feet apart like so, When Mavrick takes of it will make you feel kinda funny..... Safe sure I used to do it all the time before I wanted kids.
Cross-X said:
C-pher said:
Cross-X said:
"Are you sure all the newbies have to do this?"

That's funny...I love hazing, it's funny.

So, C-pher, you haven't been hazed in a while, have you? :D

C-pher said:
Man, things like this always happen when I can't get to them.

I'm helping my club run a shoot on Saturday...otherwise, I would be there...with my family and friends.

is that what they call it nowadays?
Moderator said:
Cross-X said:
C-pher said:
Cross-X said:
"Are you sure all the newbies have to do this?"

That's funny...I love hazing, it's funny.

So, C-pher, you haven't been hazed in a while, have you? :D

C-pher said:
Man, things like this always happen when I can't get to them.

I'm helping my club run a shoot on Saturday...otherwise, I would be there...with my family and friends.

Maybe I'm dense, I don't get it...

is that what they call it nowadays?
Cross-X said:
C-pher said:
Cross-X said:
"Are you sure all the newbies have to do this?"

That's funny...I love hazing, it's funny.

So, C-pher, you haven't been hazed in a while, have you? :D

No, not really. I've been out of college for a long time...well not that long. 11 years...

But, man, I remember the days of giving the Freshman a hard time....but for some reason, I don't really remember my freshman year....I wonder why. [twisted]
Adam_MA said:
"You see John... These baby's just LOVE it when you scratch them right here"

Adam, my wife's comment on your comment was: "Reply to Adam that he has it right; they do scritch her belly before they take off....

That's the F15 that does the test flights of Kath's hardware. She's assigned to the 40th Test Flight Squadron out of Eglin AFB (the plane, not Kath), and her name is Betsy.

dwarven1 said:
Adam_MA said:
"You see John... These baby's just LOVE it when you scratch them right here"

Adam, my wife's comment on your comment was: "Reply to Adam that he has it right; they do scritch her belly before they take off....

That's the F15 that does the test flights of Kath's hardware. She's assigned to the 40th Test Flight Squadron out of Eglin AFB (the plane, not Kath), and her name is Betsy.


That's pretty cool!
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