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can you help this guy figure it out...

May 11, 2015
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SB 525 and SB 315. I believe these two bills have similar issues to SB 941 in that they are not thought through sufficiently. I have to ask questions when bills come before me.

How would law enforcement know someone has guns?Does law enforcement need a search warrant?Would law enforcement be searching a home without cause?If the recipient of the restraining order has not yet violated any laws and has not been convicted of anything (yet) can law enforcement truly confiscate guns without some sort of conviction?What about other “weapons” – such as baseball bats and knives?Does our Constitution allow for or demand a gun registry?Who has the right to know what I own or don’t own?Does this law meet with the intent of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Oregon?

The list goes on – but I believe you get the general direction – We all need to ask the “what then” question. What happens after we pass a new law?

Yours truly,

Representative Sal Esquivel

House District 6

email: [email protected] I phone: 503-986-1406address: 900 Court St NE, H-483, Salem, OR 97301

Maybe copy and paste a copy of the Constitution and send it to him...
As its been stated before no cop is going to want that to pass no way in hell they want to start kicking down more doors with Gibbs behind them. The cops know there is too much hardware in this country. If they start no warrant searches lot of dead cops going to start showing up. Not a threat or anything but if your like me and can't hear the door across my apartment and all of a sudden they come crashing through. I'm going to be there gun ready they shoot I'll shoot I get one they get me. You'll read that story a lot they know it too. No way their union let's it go through. Sorry but they all want to go home at the end of the day. Sometimes they don't which sucks. But never hear about them saying well I want to die today. Just not going to happen lol
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