It's been a busy digging season for me. I have refined some of my gun caches to not include much metal to be found by a metal detector.
Since Glock uppers are not registered or hard to get, how about burying just your lowers so your cache wont give itself up to metal detectors?
In 2 years, you must legally register all your guns.
In the mean time you can bury your lowers in a container in VT or NH and you'll never have to register in Massachusetts.
Then you can store your uppers in secret places in Massachusetts.
Keep what you need at home but for a large collection that is not needed right away - you can store the lowers away under the earth for long term storage...
Link below has a good container.
Just store the GPS coordinates and landmarks in a secure location.
Before you bury, keep your cell phone at home and pull the fuse on your On Star so nobody will know where you are.
What do you think of keeping spare Glocks broken apart as lowers an uppers in different places?