Anybody here ever bump fire? For those of you that are not familiar with this technique, bump firing allows you to use a gun's recoil to simulate full-auto fire with a semi auto. Here's a brief description (for a right-handed shooter):
Bump firing is done from the hip. It's easier with a sling, but can be done without one too. Put your right thumb through the trigger guard and hook it onto your belt loop. Place your left hand on the forestock. Try to keep your right thumb "locked" to your side. Fire the gun by pulling forward with your left hand. Try to apply constant forward pressure with your left arm. When the gun fires, the recoil resets the trigger, but since you're applying constant forward pressure with your left arm, the gun fires again immediately, and again, and again, etc. This works with almost any medium-recoil semi auto. I've done it with an AR, AK, M1 Carbine, and Mini 14. I've heard of people doing it with an M1 Garand and even a 10/22. I tried it with my Saiga 12 gauge but tore my belt loop off. It's a waste of ammo, but it's also a lot of fun.
Here's the problem with bump firing: You can't hit anything.
Anyway, to get to my point...
There's a company in Oregon that makes a device called the Akins Accellerator. Here's their website (watch the video
Their product is a replacement stock for the 10/22 that instead of hard mounting, the barreled action is connected to the stock via spring-loaded guide rods. There's also "finger stops" built into the stock on either side of the trigger guard, these keep your finger off the trigger long enough so that it resets. This product basically simulates bump firing, but from the shoulder so you can aim.
I emailed the company to ask if it was legal in Mass. Here's their reply:
Could this really be legal here? I'd've bought one already but they're $1000 (and I don't have a 10/22 right now). If so, this is the coolest thing since sex.
Bump firing is done from the hip. It's easier with a sling, but can be done without one too. Put your right thumb through the trigger guard and hook it onto your belt loop. Place your left hand on the forestock. Try to keep your right thumb "locked" to your side. Fire the gun by pulling forward with your left hand. Try to apply constant forward pressure with your left arm. When the gun fires, the recoil resets the trigger, but since you're applying constant forward pressure with your left arm, the gun fires again immediately, and again, and again, etc. This works with almost any medium-recoil semi auto. I've done it with an AR, AK, M1 Carbine, and Mini 14. I've heard of people doing it with an M1 Garand and even a 10/22. I tried it with my Saiga 12 gauge but tore my belt loop off. It's a waste of ammo, but it's also a lot of fun.
Here's the problem with bump firing: You can't hit anything.
Anyway, to get to my point...
There's a company in Oregon that makes a device called the Akins Accellerator. Here's their website (watch the video
![Shocked [shocked] [shocked]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/007.gif)
Their product is a replacement stock for the 10/22 that instead of hard mounting, the barreled action is connected to the stock via spring-loaded guide rods. There's also "finger stops" built into the stock on either side of the trigger guard, these keep your finger off the trigger long enough so that it resets. This product basically simulates bump firing, but from the shoulder so you can aim.
I emailed the company to ask if it was legal in Mass. Here's their reply:
As far as we are aware the Accelerator(TM) is legal in Massachusetts.
It is our understanding that Mass. has an assault weapon ban law. We
don't know the details of it, or how exactly it applies to your situation.
You may be able have a fixed stock variant there. The folding version
would be questionable or illegal. The assault weapon ban also speaks
to certain high cap magazines. Akins Group Inc. can't speak to the
exact laws in Massachusetts. Because Akins Group Inc. can't research
the laws and amendments to those laws in all 50 states it is your
responsibility to ensure that you are in compliance with the laws of
your state.
Minnesota and California clearly prohibit the possession of simulated
full auto devices.
Thanks for your interest in the Akins Accelerator(TM),
Dorothy Conway
Akins Group Inc.
P.O. Box 430
Cornelius OR 97113
Could this really be legal here? I'd've bought one already but they're $1000 (and I don't have a 10/22 right now). If so, this is the coolest thing since sex.