Recently I was at Braintree for my weekly 200 round pratice and as I pulled in to park, I saw a couple of guys using the skeet range. So I thinking WOW I havn't done that in years. So I go inside and when I came out, some sort of strange force pulled me up to the top of the hill to look at the clay bird grave yard.
So the next day I'm at Northeast Trading picking up some rounds and while I was there I spotted some cases of clay birds. Now when I paying for my rounds I asked Ted what do those cost. Ted says 8 bucks. I said 8 bucks!!! NO WAY I'll TAKE A CASE.
Well I started off with a old Mossberg out of the safe. To heavy and to much recoil for this old guy. I go back to the safe and pull out all my shotguns and figure here's a good reason to get another shotgun and off I go to Fairground guns in Brockton. So I picked up a real nice Remington 1100 12 gauge for $275. Take it home strip it and clean it.
Back to Braintree the Remington and I go. It won't recyle the spent round. I looking at it and figure out the rounds are extra light loads for the pump and won't work in the Remington.
So I go to the Four seasons the next day for some shells and then back
to the range.
Clay Birds wounded 30. If these were chickens I would starve to death
Good thing I'm retired and have the time to do all this.
Now I got to go to Northeast today for 2 cases of clays and 10 boxes of 12 gauge. I'll get this down even if it kills me.
So the next day I'm at Northeast Trading picking up some rounds and while I was there I spotted some cases of clay birds. Now when I paying for my rounds I asked Ted what do those cost. Ted says 8 bucks. I said 8 bucks!!! NO WAY I'll TAKE A CASE.
Well I started off with a old Mossberg out of the safe. To heavy and to much recoil for this old guy. I go back to the safe and pull out all my shotguns and figure here's a good reason to get another shotgun and off I go to Fairground guns in Brockton. So I picked up a real nice Remington 1100 12 gauge for $275. Take it home strip it and clean it.
Back to Braintree the Remington and I go. It won't recyle the spent round. I looking at it and figure out the rounds are extra light loads for the pump and won't work in the Remington.
So I go to the Four seasons the next day for some shells and then back
to the range.
Clay Birds wounded 30. If these were chickens I would starve to death
Good thing I'm retired and have the time to do all this.
Now I got to go to Northeast today for 2 cases of clays and 10 boxes of 12 gauge. I'll get this down even if it kills me.