Boycott List

May 1, 2005
Somerville, MA
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I thought it would be good if somebody (or everybody) could list which companies and products should be boycotted due to their anti-gun stance.

There are almost 500 of us on this board. It's a start...
Conoco-Phillips (not in New England) - NRA called for a boycott as they oppose legislation in OK that would allow citizens to keep firearms in their vehicles.

Damn near everyone in Hollyweird!

There is a list of anti-gun orgs given on

United Way - They will not approve of donations designated to firearms safety training orgs. History here goes back to the 1980s with their stand on this.

Pink Pistols have a list of anti-gun groups, orgs, companies, products and famous people that would choke an elephant!

Found this info with the help of Google! [twisted]
Costco Wholesale is very anti.

I havent seen any stores "posted" in New England, yes ive been to every one, but most south of NY are infact posted.
Emerald Square Mall in N Attleboro is anti, per their security.

I spoted a vehicle w/ the keys hanging out of the trunk lock. I walked down to security and told them, and said I'de walk a Ninja back to the car to retrieve them. On the way up, I struck up a conversation, sorta busting the guys balls w/out him knowing.
"Wow, you guys dont cary guns? thats dangerous!"
"No its not, we dont allow guns in here"

My 229 .40 was about 18" away from him, it was hard to keep a strait face. I havent been back since.
I note with interest on the site that our friends at Wal-Mart in New Mexico are on the list.

No businesses in Massachusetts are listed which is interesting.


I boycott Subway, not because it's anti-gun. But because it's Anti-USA.

They have anti-USA ads going on in other countries in Europe.

One was in a pamphlet that was sent out overseas mocking the 9/11 attacks.


Then there was the liners, which promoted the film Super Size Me, included an image of a fat Statue of Liberty clutching a burger and an order of fries and bore the heading "Warum sind die Amis so fett?" which translates as "Why are Americans so fat? (The word 'Amis' refers to Americans and is considered derogatory in German)


I don't have a problem with the movie itself. But they have Mickey D's over there as well. But being that they are based in the US, and we were the ones that Subway made all their money. Then they bite the hand that feeds them with these ads, it just pisses me off a little.
LenS said:
United Way - They will not approve of donations designated to firearms safety training orgs. History here goes back to the 1980s with their stand on this. [twisted]

Not 100% true about United Way. The Combined Federal Campaign runs the donations through United Way. We can elect General Donation, or designate where our money goes. I usually give to Ducks Unlimited and NRA Kids Programs. The United Way has BOTH Pro-Gun and Anti-Gun companies listed.

I doubt most non-Government/Military folks get to choose which organizations, though, so IF you CAN'T designate, DON'T give to United Way, or your money will help HCI and VPC, among others.

For another aspect, I WON'T use Heinz Catsup, or other products.
Nickle, back when I was a DECcie, some of us tried to get our donations targeted to GOAL's educational arm (a legit 40c org, training only) and UAW absolutely refused stating that "those types of organizations don't meet their requirements".

It is possible that the local/regional UAW chapter makes these decisions individually. If so, the above was the PC decision of the UAW org in the MetroWest/Central MA area back >13 years ago.
partially off-topic: United Way

Leatherman ----- Big time John Kerry donater - Derek
ANOTHER great argument for the SOG pliers: They aren't Leatherman!

LenS: I agree with Nickle. The 2006 United Way booklet has one non-NRA pro-gun legal defense fund, one NRA gun safety organization, and about a dozen gun-neutral military support groups like USO, USN/USMC Relief Society, Dolphin Scholarship Fund, Seabee Memorial Scholarship Fund, etc.

AFAIK, active & reserve military and federal civil service all get to chose their allotment (or single donation) receipient.
Back when I was at DEC, I had access to a lot of documentation about the UW position in Central MA. Sorry to say that it was all stored on my VAX account and I didn't transfer that data before I left there. It was a very hot topic in the DEC Firearms Notesfile (a forum very similar to this one) over many years.

I'm led to believe more and more that the decisions are a regional thing . . . and we are in Kennedy/Kerry land here, so our experience is likely a lot different than those in ME or AZ!
Re: partially off-topic: United Way

Ray P said:
Leatherman ----- Big time John Kerry donater - Derek
ANOTHER great argument for the SOG pliers: They aren't Leatherman!

Uh... Y'all don't mind if I keep my three, do you? I promise I won't buy any more (two were actually gifts anyway...).
Now as for Malls, Costco, Wal-Mart, etc.

- "No Guns" signs has NO legal standing in MA (unlike other places like AZ, FL, etc.) and thus we don't usually see these stupid signs.

- Local managers of malls/stores may do stupid things on their own (post a sign), but that does NOT mean it is a corporate policy. Wal-Mart in Walpole, MA posted such a sign, I saw it on the front door myself. We called in a "fire mission" and after lots of calls to the corporate offices we got a response that it was NOT corporate policy and the local jerks were told to remove the sign!

- Any company with thousands (or more) employees is going to have some executives who personally support the 2nd and those that despise it! Neither group necessarily represents "corporate policy" . . . which, if they are wise, will steer clear of political issues. Thus, even if the president of a company donates to a pro/anti org, this does not indicate a corporate policy. As Ken Olsen found out the hard way, even the president/founder of a public company is nothing more than an employee serving at the will of the BOD and can be fired at any time for damn near any reason!

- NO Mall ninja or store manager speaks for the corporation regarding policy!

- In today's litigious society, NO large business owner can afford to have a pro-RKBA policy. The lawyers would kill them with suits for damn near everything.

- Best NOT to ask permission to carry in a business (the answer will almost always be NO, anywhere) and NOT to mention it. Don't judge a company by that in today's world. Now if they start doing random searches or taking proactive steps to persecute known gun owners, it should be "open season" on them. But a dormant CYA written policy that is not invoked willy-nilly should just be ignored (but at your own peril if outed).

Just one person's opinion!
Re: partially off-topic: United Way

dwarven1 said:
Ray P said:
Leatherman ----- Big time John Kerry donater - Derek
ANOTHER great argument for the SOG pliers: They aren't Leatherman!

Uh... Y'all don't mind if I keep my three, do you? I promise I won't buy any more (two were actually gifts anyway...).

Nah, but you could ebay them and buy an SOG or Gerber. [wink]
Re: I hear

News Shooter said:
That Paypal is really anti-gun

Maybe, but I get my revenge on them, buying gun parts, and paying through PayPal.

Since eBay is the true owner of PayPal, and you can buy gun parts on eBay, I don't see them as totally Anti-Gun, just as making sure they stay out of trouble.
There's a real problem with so-called designated giving through United Way, the Combined Federal Campaign or other similar programs. Very frequently, the distribution of funds is determined beforehand by the program, with little or no regard for actual donation patterns. Thus, GOALF or NRAF might be on the list, but no matter how much you donate to them, they'll only get the token amount that was predetermined in order to get you to sign up. The net result is that your "designated" contributions could easily end up benefiting some totally anti-gun organization rather than the one actually selected. If you want to designate a donation and assure that that's where it actually goes, eliminate the middlemen (and their overhead).

KMaurer said:
There's a real problem with so-called designated giving through United Way, the Combined Federal Campaign or other similar programs. Very frequently, the distribution of funds is determined beforehand by the program, with little or no regard for actual donation patterns.

Actually Ken, the designations you make through CFC DO go EXACTLY where you designate, IF you designate. I've gotten feedback from the organizations, and DU actually made me a member due to contributions.

Now, other United Way situations may not worrk like that.
Nickle said:
I've used the Leatherman pliers. IMNSHO, they suck, when compared to Gerber or SOG.
Really? I'm always surprised when people tell me they prefer Gerbers over Leathermans. I find that the ergos on Gerbers aren't too my liking, and I don't like the way that the nose of the pliers is always sticking out (even if it's just a little). I don't think my Leatherman is perfect by any means, but I much prefer it over the Gerbers I've tried...
Nickle said:
Try opening both up while you're inside an M1 Tank Turret. The Leatherman takes two hands, the Gerber one, and you can flick the Gerber open.
Well see, you just ruined my argument. Shame on you 8)
Ken, I've had the same experience with CFC as Nickle.

Supported groups aren't limited to anti-gun, the major military charities are represented, and feedback* from the charities confirmed they received my donations in the amounts assigned.

*The first few years I let CFC release my name to the charities I donated to, thinking I'd receive an end-of-year receipt for tax purposes. What I mostly got were lots of letters asking for more donations. Now that I'm comfortable my donations are going where I designate, I check the anonymous block.
I gave to DU and the NRA, and being an NRA member, I get hit for money anyways. DU doesn't do that.

Now, The Arthritis Foundation gets obnoxious about asking for money. I haven't given to them for at least 5 years, but they still ask. They don't get any, though.
Pliers - off topic

My SOG Mini Power Plier is also a one-hander, using the butterfly knife technique. I also like the geared head compounded compression. Comes in very handy when crimping wires on my 68 Tiger along the side of the road. Lucas IS the devil.

Nickle said:
Try opening both up while you're inside an M1 Tank Turret. The Leatherman takes two hands, the Gerber one, and you can flick the Gerber open.
Sounds about as much fun as working outboard the #3 HiPAC on a 616 class boomer. Way fun. Still got the scars.
Yep, that Lucas. Even swapping out the VR & distribuor "inerds" for solid state hasn't saved me. Hadn't heard that last one about sporting after dark; cute!
Maybe I've missed something that's common knowledge, but how is pay-pal anti-gun?? Just wondering.

Also, I'll join this thread-jack and say I own both Leatherman and Gerber. Hands down the Gerber will take it any time. Fantastic spring loaded pliers, easy opening, one handed handle open along with thumb studs for the blade and scissors. Oh, and locking blades. Leatherman is just boxy and unforgiving to your hands.
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