I don't understand why sealing the boarders doesn't seem to concern Bush. Anyone care to elaborate?
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derek said:I don't understand why sealing the boarders doesn't seem to concern Bush. Anyone care to elaborate?
derek said:There is nothing wrong with watching illegal activities and alerting the La Migra.
Evencio Garcia, a 22-year-old carpenter from Veracruz, Mexico, says he has been biding his time until the Minuteman Project is over, to try and get back into the US.
derek said:The job isn't getting done. If it takes a bunch of gung ho Americans to donate their time and cut down illegal crossings in a 20 mile stretch from 800 a day to 13 a day, I say more power to them.
This quote says it all.
Evencio Garcia, a 22-year-old carpenter from Veracruz, Mexico, says he has been biding his time until the Minuteman Project is over, to try and get back into the US.
It obviously was working.
Cross-X said:I don't know that Pres. Bush is opposed to closing borders, he just disagrees with the vigilante methodology.
derek said:I don't understand why sealing the boarders doesn't seem to concern Bush. Anyone care to elaborate?
jacobtowne said:Cross-X said:I don't know that Pres. Bush is opposed to closing borders, he just disagrees with the vigilante methodology.
I don't blame him. But are the Minutemen vigilantes, or a neighborhood crime watch committee there to observe and report?
derek said:The job isn't getting done. If it takes a bunch of gung ho Americans to donate their time and cut down illegal crossings in a 20 mile stretch from 800 a day to 13 a day, I say more power to them.
This quote says it all.
Evencio Garcia, a 22-year-old carpenter from Veracruz, Mexico, says he has been biding his time until the Minuteman Project is over, to try and get back into the US.
It obviously was working.
JonJ said:Machine gun towers and land mines.
derek said:I'll have to take a rain check on the beer, I'm still reeling from last night.
LenS said:derek said:I'll have to take a rain check on the beer, I'm still reeling from last night.
In honor of our Site Admin/Host, check this out:
http://www.bigad.com.au/ (Accept the security box that pops up, might take a minute or so). This is from "Down Under" (aka Oz or Australia).
[twisted] [twisted]
Cross-X said:All things considered, I'd rather have a Bud.
Nickle said:Cross-X said:All things considered, I'd rather have a Bud.
How about a nice Labatt's, Corona, Magic Hat, Long Trail, Yeungling or Sam Adams, instead?
Nickle said:I don't drink Magic Hat or Yeungling myself, but I'd be surprised if most of the rest weren't available in Mass.
Cross-X said:Nickle said:I don't drink Magic Hat or Yeungling myself, but I'd be surprised if most of the rest weren't available in Mass.
Yes, but I have none of them in front of me right _now_!