Bloomberg the Hypocrite

So you don't have to spend time reading the whole 2 page article:

... The mayor also takes along a police detail when he travels, flying two officers on his private plane and paying as much as $400 a night to put them up at a hotel near his house; the city pays their wages while they are there, as it does whether Mr. Bloomberg is New York or not. Guns are largely forbidden in Bermuda — even most police officers do not use them — but the mayor’s guards have special permission to carry weapons. A spokesman for the Police Department declined to comment....

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A more subtle point from the article is that he has some special arrangement where the tail number of his private jet is not shown on the website used to track them.

The general public has no protection from licence plate scanners etc, but this douche doesn't want people to know where his jet is parked! Only special people are entitled to privacy I guess.
This is typical progressive elitism. Guess who doesn't have to use Obamacare? The Pres, VP, and the cabinet. But we do. Nice.

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And who are you to be so impertinent as to suggest that Bloomberg does not require firearms to keep the stinking slobs of New York from attacking him. He wouldn't stoop down to the level of actually governing such a cesspool if he did not have the ability to shoot them if they get too close.
If the mayor has 5 dollars and you have 5 dollars then he has more money than you.
Biden was quick to say that he believes that in certain situations that your rights should be removed. He said "we" in the removal of rights and everyone has been asking, "who is we?"

My comment is, I don't care about the "we". My response is, make sure someone like this never, ever, gets elected again. He isn't just a bane to weapons, but a bane to your rights in total!
Biden was quick to say that he believes that in certain situations that your rights should be removed. He said "we" in the removal of rights and everyone has been asking, "who is we?"

My comment is, I don't care about the "we". My response is, make sure someone like this never, ever, gets elected again. He isn't just a bane to weapons, but a bane to your rights in total!

Bloomberg will still be a big problem even when he's out of office. People complain about Soros and it always struck me as tinfoil hattery. Bloomberg really is spending money to further his agenda and he's got a lot of money.

Of course, the same people who take his money are happy to bitch about how the NRA controls congress.
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