Bloomberg the Ahole

I like how people think that if we didn't have guns, no one would kill each other.

I so wanted to put some comments into that article but it wasn't worth the time or energy to register - it's not like any pearls of wisdom I drop on CNN are going to convince any of the idiots there to change their opinions.
We have our own in Mass that co-founded Mayors Against Guns. Yeah I know its Illegal guns but I really don't think they care if the guns are leagl or not.
I love the little interactive map at that is so well designed to scare gun haters or those on the fence. Dazzle them with bullsh...!

Don't know if I want to read the report and see what lies they spew out.
I so wanted to put some comments into that article but it wasn't worth the time or energy to register - it's not like any pearls of wisdom I drop on CNN are going to convince any of the idiots there to change their opinions.

No kidding. The comments are always fun to read though. I always feel much smarter and better about my lot in life afterwards.
You know what the REALLY sad thing is? The guy's a mayor. An f-ing local political hack. A MAYOR. Who the F should care WHAT a F-ing MAYOR thinks outside the city limits?????
The only question Bloomberg needs to be asked is "Do you or do you not always travel with a security detail that is armed with handguns that would be used in self defense to protect your life?" That's it. Everyone knows the answer. Discussion closed.
That article makes me crazy.

I don't even know what to write, I wanted to throw my computer out the window reading some of those comments
That article makes me crazy.

I don't even know what to write, I wanted to throw my computer out the window reading some of those comments

Yup. Stupid is as stupid does. It`s all a smokescreen so they won`t have to confront the real threats from the urban inner cities. Blame it on guns instead of blaming liberal welfare policy`s these democratic big city Mayors have pushed for decades.
Yup. Stupid is as stupid does. It`s all a smokescreen so they won`t have to confront the real threats from the urban inner cities. Blame it on guns instead of blaming liberal welfare policy`s these democratic big city Mayors have pushed for decades.

It's starting to catch up to them....

Once they start losing state legislative support...they're going to be backed into a corner with their tail in between their legs. I can't wait for november
he's so full of it his ears are turning brown, i do not beieve any of his bullshit,

its the liars can figure thing. he's hates guns and lies under that pretense

that guns are "evil" wake up numb nuts... how about the people that use

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