Best trick for sneaking a new gun into the house...


Shooting at the big range in heaven
NES Member
Jul 30, 2005
Metrowest, MA & Points South and West
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What is your secret? How do you sneak a new gun into the house?

Some of my favorite lines:

"Awww, this isn't new, it was just at the gunsmith for repair!"

"I'm just storing this for a friend."

And my some of my favorite techniques:

Big, multi-level pistol cases.

Wait for when she showers.

How do you do you get your new toys home without getting busted?
Re: well, I'm divorced

News Shooter said:
I walk in, throw the gun on the sofa and announce, "Honey, we're home"
Then I light a cigar and sit there and stroke it all night [lol]

[lol] [lol] [lol]

The only bad thing is my Humidor just became empty!!!!!!! :x
"If your gonna keep giving me shit, your gonna piss me off and then I will have to get another just to piss you off."

"Look what followed me home, we cant just put it back out on the streets."
Too funny. I'm with the have too many so she doesn't know. And being that she doesn't have the combo...

But I've done the, "I'm going to the range." Take several guns, and one empty case. Then, when I come in, I've still got all the same cases, and just unload them into the safe.
C-pher said:
Too funny. I'm with the have too many so she doesn't know. And being that she doesn't have the combo...

But I've done the, "I'm going to the range." Take several guns, and one empty case. Then, when I come in, I've still got all the same cases, and just unload them into the safe.

Clever -- C L E V E R!
I'm always telling Glenn if he wants it to buy it. I don't have a problem with any of his hobbies. Nor he mine. [lol] My father-in-law when he was alive,would even have to hide things here,or in his truck. Then when my mother-in-law got the credit card bill....... [shock] My feeling is as long as we have a roof over our heads, food on the table,and it doesn't take away from anything we need,it just doesn't matter. [lol]
MrsWildweasel said:
Geez,am I the only one who encourages the habit/addiction? [twisted] [twisted]

MrsWW don't forget about me! I tell Patrick all the time that the only thing we can never have too many of is guns :D

In fact- we need more as it is. Our collection is pitiful-

My box: Ruger MkIII, Glock 17, S&W 686P, Ruger 10/22 and an SKS

His box: Ruger MkII, CZ75, Glock 21, 1911 and a Japanese shotgun I forget whose

we also have another shotgun and an AR-15 "on loan" (yeah like my dear friend Mike will ever see those again [twisted] )
Hmmm.. Guess I'm lucky.. I just say something like. "Baby, I'm going to Four Seasons, I want to take a look at something they have on their used gun page" "OK Honey bring home something pretty"

I'm sure it goes that way because she knows if we have the money, I'll get what I want. But the same goes her way too.. I don't deny her anything.

Black Guns

One of my buddies buys only black guns....with the insight that you really have to look closely to tell the difference between a Glock 19 / Glock 23, Kel-Tec, HK etc. As long as it is all black, he thinks she will never know.
Re: Black Guns

CFFuts said:
One of my buddies buys only black guns....with the insight that you really have to look closely to tell the difference between a Glock 19 / Glock 23, Kel-Tec, HK etc. As long as it is all black, he thinks she will never know.

Yea, but stainless is so pretty.

And how does that work for long guns?
I've found the secret is to never actually lie...

However, if she doesn't ask "Is that a new gun?", I feel no need to volunteer that it's new...

And to someone that doesn't understand or like guns, a Mosin Nagant looks just like a Mannlicher-Carcano, an '03 Springfield, or a 8mm Mauser...

C-pher said:
Yea, but when I have some that are lever, and some that are bolt, and some with scopes and some without get the picture.

I would have a hard time hiding those.

The "trick" to my plan, of course, is to have one of each type of gun before hand...
Luckily I don't really need to sneak them into the house, my wife enjoys shooting as well & I make sure I buy some for her. ( just got her an m-1 carbine last month.) That being said, she hasn't seen my new 1911 yet. :D That will be a surprise next time we go to the range together....

Although we have agreed to a moratorium on any new purchases for a little while, she does know I have some cash set aside in case a good deal should present itself.

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